Justin Beiber with snake at vma show

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Well hey,
you've gotta do something to look manly once you start putting your face on Nail Polish stands!!

I think I could happily ignore his existence...but the having an autobiography etc at his age just makes him so distasteful.

Look at that swagga ;) by which I mean...why has he got cloth hanging out his pocket as if he's gangster?!

Ahh THAT'S what it is... I thought it was a fancy skateboard in his other hand :)! Skinny little legs tho :)

[h=3]swag·ger/ˈswagər/[/h]Verb: Walk or behave in a very confident and typically arrogant or aggressive way: "he swaggered along the corridor".
Noun: A very confident and typically arrogant or aggressive gait or manner.

| 1.
| swagger
| id="tools_1071462" |
| colspan="2" id="entry_1071462" | How one presents him or her self to the world. Swagger is shown from how the person handles a situation. It can also be shown in the person's walk.
Ryan: "Denzel Washington has swagger in all his movie rolls"
Phil: "You can't forget about Al Pacino! He had swagger all over in Scarface!!!"

And absolutely NO ONE saw an upside of this?

A famous and most adored pop star is carrying a snake - one of the most feared and hated animals on earth....

Be good to see someone promoting a snake - hope he has as much passion in reptiles as he does in his singing (actually, on saying that, hopefully more)...

I'm never frustrated by people's complete negative attitudes to something that isn't that bad....

Likewise - I am never frustrated by the amount of people that get snakes (and reptiles) wrong as well!

It's this circular argument that we have going on here that drives it!
If I was famous I would like to think that I could rock a boa on the red carpet and it would be purely as an accessory. I wouldnt take it inside the event because the amount of noise etc would scare it but dont see a problem having one on the red carpet.

Dont like the kid but each to their own but also dont think people should be so negative about it.

And in relation to charity etc, if I made that amount of money I wouldnt be donating to charity, purely because it would be my money that I worked for and dont see why I should have to share when the different governments of the world should be helping their people not me.
When I was in charge of a few Boas at the WA Museum I arranged for Alice Cooper to use one of my animals for his stage show at the Entertainment Centre in Perth - it was about 2m & 25kg, but I don't think the snake was fazed by it at all, despite the music just about collapsing my chest...

Welcome to my Nightmare!!!

Yeah, but on the carpet it wouldn't be like that.
Exactly, I doubt he would've held the snake through the entire night, it was probably just on arrival.

Not that I agree with him doing it at all, I just dont think its such a huge deal as some are making it out to be.
lololol best pic ever! ,hahaaha

Best facial expressions! , hahaah

I wasn't looking at any facial expressions...

I think the reason celebs give so much money away is because they can claim it back on tax.

It's not all for the common good.

HOLY *****!!


I got backstage passes to meet him next month!!!
Within the venue im sure there would be some pretty damn heavy bass, but on the red carpet not so much, considering most snakes have horrible eyesight I couldn't see flashes being all that bad, I think this is good for snakes, considering most of his fan demographic are female, maybe we will start getting some more attractive women into the hobby haha.

I reckon hes a nice bloke and I want his money, but I hate his music and fans to a point I don't actually think he is all that talented to deserve but hey the ladies dig him more then me so haters gon hate. I also hate how hard he tries to be black hes trying to be a little white kanye west.
Nothing would surprise with me with little ****e, when he came to Melbourne i met him and his security as part of my job and,
well ill just say , he is a brat and thats putting it nicely.
I would tell you a few things about this one but i cant.
To bad he is so talented.
He is not gay, nor is he mild mannered or respectable.We have had to deal with divas before but this kid did not have a single redeeming quality about his personality
He is not gay, nor is he mild mannered or respectable.We have had to deal with divas before but this kid did not have a single redeeming quality about his personality

Maybe god & jesus love a prima donna...

ok so i read all the posts
so he took a snake. my daughter would date him now but only cos * i could steal his snake mum* ( sigh )

there have been videos who have had snakes in them five, alice cooper, whoever else

do none of us ever have music up loud or loud noises in our homes that would frighten reps?

i have heard ( please correct me if i am wrong) that a celeb may get a few million dollars for something but after they actually pay their management, and staff and other crap how much are they left with?
most of us would love to earn those types of dollars.
as for him being respectable and nice hes a teen ( no offese to any great teens on here and those few great teens i know) but alot of teens are brats

as for charity who cares what he does with his money if my kid was earning that much it would be in her/his bank and not being touched till she/he was an adult ( on the upside of that means i would no longer have to pay pocket money :) )

the whole thanking god and all that is standard crap that they think the general populace wants to here and certain bosses and publicists and other industry people WANT? EXPECT?NEED to here or you can find yourself finding it harder to get anywhere

we dont like it e ignore it its not like JB or any of those actually have influence over us and to those that are simple minded enough for those types people to influence them thats why there are therapsists :)

personally i cant stand his music i perfer guns and roses and def lep and others but my girls love his music and wander around sining it ( girls are banned from his music comming from my speakers)

i think he should have been holding that awesome lil bundle of his better and hopefully he had it put somewhere safe wehn he was inside
end of my rant

oh Johnny depp is hot!
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