juvi coastal not eating

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2008
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NSW, Central Coast
i have had this coastal for a few months she was eating at first and then just stoped eating it hasnt eaten for a month or so! this snake is the snappyest thing i have ever seen wate the sister is the same but the sister eats fine and is now double the size any ideas i have gotten to the point if i cant get it to eat im going to have to give it to someone to give it ago
what aare the temps in the enclosure?? some go off food during winter... mine haven't fed for 2 months now but for the last month i haven't worried bout feeding them anyway, will in the next week or 2 tho
hot end 28 cold 23 it just seems to want to bite me all the time it snaps at the glass if u walk past but when its time to feed it wont take it
sounds stressed... leave the food in the enclosure and put a sheet over the enclosure to may help.... possibly even putting the enclosure in a quieter area of the house till it's calmd down to ppl may also help get it feeding again :)
thanks ill give it ago ill try a sheet over the tank as its already in the quietest room (reptile room)
I,ve had the same problem with my coastal i use a pillow case put your snake in it with its food roll the opening shut fold over and secure with a rubber band leave it in dark quiet place done
hot end 28 cold 23 it just seems to want to bite me all the time it snaps at the glass if u walk past but when its time to feed it wont take it
I would bump up the temperature to around 32-34c,then wait a week or so with little to no disturbing,except to clean or change water then offer a mouse-rat.If it doesnt take it,leave alone again for another week,keep trying....
sounds abit cold from the temps you said. bump the temp up to 30C in the centre of its enclosure and leave it a cpl of weeks to settle before trying to feed again. its also winter and most snakes do go off their food at this time of year
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