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there not grasshoppers, they are related though

Yepper Richoman beat me to it... a general rule of thumb, grasshoppers have shorter, more robust antennae - like this grasshopper below:
They're all beautiful shots Michael, the 3rd last is especially neat - do you see many other katydids with legs as long as those?
Hmmm, I've never paid much attention to their legs - I should have.

I didn't relise how many different kinds there are, and I didn't relise they were the grasshoppers cousin- although they are fairly simular, I was obsessed with collecting cicata 'shells' as a kid - filling my mum's glovebox when we went to eungella national park lol, now my daughter is the one bringing bugs into the house and I feel like a kid again ...
I'm trying to discourage her from literally 'plucking' butterfly's' from the air- as funny as it is watching her run around randomly...I would love to make her a 'butterfly garden' but that project will need some research : p
She really seemed infatuated with the Katydid though, more so than her stick insects, I just wish she would let go of dead ones I'm running out of tupperware containers lol
Southern King Cricket

No dramas, should you come across any super-long legged katydids, it may be a species that is of special interest to me!

I'm cheating, here's a Southern King Cricket
King crickets are fantastic, we the smaller species here - the White-knee cricket (they do bite!)



another long-legged katydid from Iron Range.

Anthophiloptera dryas

They're beauties Michael, I especially like the last katydids racing stripe!

Here's the long legged beastie i've been keeping an eye out for, Anthophiloptera dryas. You should get them up your way too, they're a pollen specialist - if you see any please give me a buzz!
Nice photo's Michael. Does anyone know much about a large black one that you find over here, Jordan Vos was even wary of it as he reckons they have a frightening bite so that was enough to make me scared of it when it flew into the camp.
Here's the long legged beastie i've been keeping an eye out for, Anthophiloptera dryas. You should get them up your way too, they're a pollen specialist - if you see any please give me a buzz!

They are great, I don't see them too often though.

Hi Dave, I am not sure which one it is. I believe the White-knee cricket is the largest one up here but there is a similar species that's darker and bites equally hard.


We had a cricket sitting on top the doorway of the loo at home, we tried persuading it to move along with a rolled up newspaper, which it gripped with its jaws and suspended as we let go. Frighteningly powerful for their size, and i've had a couple of different species latch on to me leaving a dent.

I find it fun feeding Southern King Crickets a chunk of banana, they enthusiastically carve channels in it as they feed - a bit of overkill, hardened jaws that can devour prey, vs soft fruit. om nom nom
Farma it's the genus of the katydid in your pic. Just like the name of an eastern bluetongue is Tiliqua scincoides, Tiliqua is the genera (genus) name. But that's probably just confused you even more... lol
ummm yeah just a bit lol, but when you put it the way you did - in comparison to the bluetounge it made a bit more sence, thanks : p ...
I just bought the 'bugs alive' book off ebay and made a deal with miss 5 that if we read it together and I can quiz her on the basics and if she took enough in than we will look at buying some Katydid's (and now she wants a giant rainforrest mantis too lol)
She's pretty switched on for her age and she understands that you don't just 'get a pet' and that she needs to meet it's needs as it can't fend for itself like a wild animal...Good to know she does actually listen :)
Plus this time around no-one is bug sitting!..
Oops, just realised I called you farma before, getting peoples usernames mixed up, sorry!
The Bugs Alive book is great to get you started. Most katydid species that are kept in captivity are pretty straight forward in terms of husbandry and some of the common ones are even fairly easy to get breeding.
Would love to see some pics when you get em.
I didn't even relise lol...I tried getting some from the australian insect farm, but he said they were too hard so I'm a little confused but I'm persistant so will do some reading first and then get some organised...Minibeasts has some for sale but they are the rainforrest type so I might shoot them through an email to see if I can get my hands on the same one we had (fingers crossed)...
Thanks for the help everyone!...If anyone has idea's on what I need for a set up tank please let me know :)
Funkstaa, probably the best way to start is to decide on what species you want to keep. It's important because many katydids are specialists and you will need a steady supply of their required food-plant (or grow your own). Once you have that sorted out, drop me a PM and put you in touch with David Rentz, he will advise you on details and may even help you with live specimens.

You might find something interesting on katydids on David's blog: http://www.bunyipco.blogspot.com
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I would really like to get the Caedicia species, and we have just started a edible garden so if someone could let me know what I need to grow for them I am more than happy to get that started : ) - I have no idea what they eat yet, but as I said before I have bought the Bugs Alive book unfortunately am rural so will have to do the waiting game for it to show up : (
That would be great Waterrat thanks so much! I'll have a look at his blog now I've just been checking out youtube vids of them, so far all I have found is people eating them for $5 bets and people smacking them so they makie their clicking noises grrr
I so don't understand some people - but ne ways...
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