Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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I moved here from Sydney. I'm in a small house in a residential area near Coffs Harbour. I knew there'd be snakes here and other things too but as I'm living in the suburbs, I was naive enough to think they'd be confined to the bushland. There were red belly blacks and death adders, in the 33acres of bushland that ran alongside my house in Sydney but I never saw one in the 30 years I lived there. These guys here, use the side gate, the front lawn, the side wall, to get where they want to go ... it's a bit different.

I'm satisfied that life here means seeing a few snakes around. I don't agree however, with those who say that it's their territory and we're the invaders. It's our home too. As humankind is higher than all creatures, we have a responsibility to respect and care for them all. It's also OUR seawater to swim in and OUR land to live in. I don't crawl into snake holes or curl up in birds nests and I have the same right to live peacefully in my home.

"If you don't want interaction with an amazing species of animals which have evolved over millions of year than perhaps you should live in antarctica"

No, antarctica is also populated with it's own creatures. There's no place on earth that man can claim to be his own, unless like creation, we also claim ALL of it and live in our own houses, on our own land and with our own rights respected. In saying that, I'm aware that snakes and other things won't think that way.
My strategy then, is simply to find out more about the creatures around me and that way, we'll learn to live with each other.
Thanks for all your help and comments. It's a good forum.
we dnt know why she moved maybe it wasnt her choice to make. things happen sometimes. i would love to see a pic of this land mullet ! i cant say ive ever seen one

I've tried to get closer to the mullet to get a photo but it's very difficult to see. I'll keep trying. I found out why it lives here though, they eat fallen fruit and this one resides permanently under my grapefruit tree. It's very hard to see just the same. When I first discovered it, I crawled under the tree after searching very carefully to make sure "the black snake" wasn't around. Completely satisfied that I was safe, I looked around and saw it staring at me; it was less than 1 metre away! If it had been anything dangerous... :? I've named it George and have to try very hard to resist the temptation to feed it. I like it, ugly though it is!
gen get to know your local snake catchers phone number ...find out the costs ..put a bit of cash away ...cause most likely you will have an encounter that you wont be as comfortable with and will need a snake catcher to remove ....and dont forget to take pics of your uninvited snakey guest now :)
i agree with redbellybite.. no offence meant, just a good idea :) i just google image searched land mullet.. they look like black blue tongues sort of haha
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