Late-blooming reptile lover says hello

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New Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Marrickville NSW
Hi all, I'm an absolute newbie just back from holiday in Malaysia/Borneo, where I had some great encounters with reptiles, finally convincing me that I must do something about this unrequited 40-year fascination with these wonderful, misunderstood critters. But I know bugger all and need patient teachers! Where do I start (I live in a flat, which I suspect makes things tricky)? Where do I learn? Hope that one day I can offer more than just enthusiasm. Look forward to getting to know you along the way. John.
You have come to the right place! ive only been here 2 weeks, (had my snake the same amount of time). There are loads of really helpful peeps. Where to start though? Well, what city are you in? What do you like? Snakes? Lizards? Frogs? Geckos? Big ones? Little ones? LOL
Living in an apartment shouldnt hinder your fetish.... they dont need to take up too much room if you go about it the right way.... :)
Hi, You came to the right place. I've also only been here a short time, but everyone is so helpful and answer any question you have.
Living in a flat shouldn't hinder your quest, they don't take up a lot of room, are easy to keep clean and quiet. The perfect pet lol.
BTW, hello and welcome :)
Wow, that was quick, Rox! Great to hear from you. I live in inner Sydney - a bit like Richmond down your way, I guess. I really like all types of reptiles and amphibians but maybe small(ish) lizards might be best to start with. I'm a big fan of blue tongues - like a lot of Sydney families there was always a "Lizzie" in the backyard. I've also spent time in the tropics so I also like geckos and green tree frogs - great to watch destroying the insect population!
Hey John and welcome to APS, im sure that here you will find lots of imformation and helpful advice and in turn you may be able to assist other people in the future. Im also in Sydney but the inner west... My advice to you would be that if you were wanting to get a lizard is to research thouroughly before hand and for bluetongues here is a great care sheet:
I hope you have lots of fun here!
well, have a look in the "for sale" section of this site, and you can pretty much set yourself up from there.... you'll most likely be able to find your self a local breeder of what ever it is you fancy, and they'll help you get everything you need! best to sus out NSW licensing and regulations too.
pritty much get what you want. enclosure heat hides and then the reptile oh and if you get a snake a seperate container for feed time. everyone on here is pritty helpfull would help to do research first to know exactly what you want. i have 2 spotted pythons only because they are small and a netted dragon same reason i like small reptiles.
good luck hope to hear from you again
Also mate in reply to what you said about living in a flat, do you own the place if so there is no problem reptiles dont need as much room as dogs unless your thinking about getting a perentie! ;)
Thanks everyone, this is a brilliant start. I'm still figuring out how the site works so it will take me a while to learn how to respond to you individually. I apologise in advance if I bugger it up for a while! But I appreciate the warm welcome and useful info. Now to start learning ... Cheers!
Welcome aboard,
we so need to start a 'late bloomers' group on here,, there are lots of us,
2 rules,
1) research research research BEFORE you buy your reptile
2) pictures - we love sharing your new found passion, and if you get bitten and you don't show pics of the blood then it didn't happen
Jax has it right, except im not really 95! but yes pictures so if you have pictures from your holiday we would love to see them! not really 95!

:lol: but if you're like the rest of us i bet you feel 95 some days,

don't worry too much about individual replies John, by doing the 'group' thing you will get a diverse range of answers\opinions. and if you can't find the info that you're looking for, just ask, i'm sure one of us senior citizens will be able to assist.... if we can remember where we found it :shock:
Yeah well Jax, with you, that we can understand........with nothing but sawdust between the ears, especially when you can smell burning when you've been thinking!!!! LOL ('s ok, she knows me!!) But what Jax says is right, take an overall view of all the answers you may get to any subject, weigh them up, and go with what makes the best sense to you.

In the meantime Henry, good luck, hope you get a lovely reptile for your first one. - From this forum, you may be able to contact a local breeder near you, that's always a good way to buy your reps, especially if you keep track of who's who on here, you get to know who they are. Cant go far wrong that way! All the best in your endeavours, wishing you luck.
lf NSW is the same as VIC then you wont even need a licence for a Bluetounge , just a 3ft glass tank would do for starters . Beware , once you srart you will soon have a flat full of reptiles , they are addictive . l need some more myself as l only have 10 at the moment [ and lots of eggs ].
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