Latest eggs being laid by Diamond Pythons?

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Active Member
Dec 16, 2010
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Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to hear from others that have bred Gosford diamond pythons and when is the latest they've ever had a female lay eggs?

I ask as for the last two years mine have all laid around mid October with hatching around mid to late December.

however this year I had a girl that I thought was gravid but turned out not to be so I've re-intro'd the male and I've witnessed several matings in recent days..

She has been quite "thick" for past few months despite very limited food so unsure as to whether she is developing follicles or not? She has refused food the past two weeks.

Could I be so lucky as to score a late clutch??

i caught my outside roomies in a passionate embrace a few days ago so hopefully where in the same boat, last year my eggs were laid early december. My outside female has only this week decided to feed for the first time since winter and the male hasnt yet i put it down to weird **** weather. Middle of the night on even the cold days they have been out roaming but no food has been wanted even though its offered every 10 days
We have had weird weather this year and the diamonds are still mating. There has been severeal calls from people who want clusters removed from their balconies.
Mine always lay on or within a week either side of new years day.
Hey Jeremy, my group are still at it and usually lay around the same time as cements... Late clutch is looking good mate!!!
Hey Jeremy, my group are still at it and usually lay around the same time as cements... Late clutch is looking good mate!!![/

That's good news, I'll keep my fingers, toes and everything else crossed!!
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