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My sympathies. Must have been a massive kick in the guts to have the little one die on you after that battle :( Be sure to keep us posted on the autopsy results.
Sorry for your loss. But now you can see what i was refering to when saying even though it's getting better you dunno how it may have been effected internally etc that could be a problem later, it just so happened to show up sooner than later i guess.
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That is one of two things!!!!

Poisoning or ???? and I don't want to say the other one.

If anyone has ever seen a dog that has been posioned they know the absoloute pain and agony the animal goes through prior to death. The snake certainly looks as though it dies in pain.

Head to the Vet and have an autopsy done a.s.a.p. I would also be heading to the place of purchase and telling them what has happened. Tell them you want to be refunded for the cost of the snake - the cost of the treatment - and the cost of the autopsy.

If they refuse to do the above then tell them you will be letting the relevant authorities know what has happened and even more importantly you will be letting the reptile community know what has happened. Word of mouth is such a powerfull tool.

Have a friend sneak into the shop with a camera. Get them to photograph any evidence - mites - perculiar behaviour in any of the snakes. Do this without the flash on. You might need this eveidence later on.

Sorry for your loss. Not sure what this shop is like otherwise but it peee's me right off when I hear about stories like this. Certain pet shops are only in it for the buckkkkk$$$$$.
no snake owner should have to go thou what you went thou let alone this being your first snake, i am very sorry to hear that she did not make it and i hope you dont have to much drama getting your money back fom the pet shop but i dont think you should just leave it at that as the pet shop will just give you your money back to stop any more problems, i think that you should report it to who ever handels your licencing up here it is national parks and wild life i am hoping that you have some one there like that so hopfully this does not happen to anyone else from that pet shop.

keep us filled in on what is happening with the pet shop


wow thats the first time ive actually read most comments on every page of a thread, What a story but a very sad ending sorry to hear bout ur snake
I'm so sorry to hear what happened...

I've been following the thread from the start but havn't had anything useful to add. Last i checked Lucky was coming home, and then i come online today to check on updates and find this out..

I wish you the best of luck with your future snakes and i hope you never have to go through something like this again

RIP Lucky
Hi Jess;

I had also been following this thread reading every day on the progress of your little one. Like Nash I didnt have anything useful to say before you took lucky to the vet.
I am very sorry for your loss. I checked yesterday morning to see the progress of your snake and have come on today to read this terrible news.
I hope this experience has not deterred you
hi everyone, thanx for all the kind msgs! it hasn't deterred me from owning reptiles has just frightned me a little as im just scared if i get another one something will happen to this one, i know, i cant think like that but i just dont want to ever go through this ever again! i know one thing is for sure, i will never purchase from a pet shop again! as for this pet shop, i will be going in to see them today and letting them know im getting an autopsy done! i shouldn't have even let them treat the first snake, coz wen i said it had mites they seemed like they didn't know wat to do, like they have never had to treat a reptile for mites, as soon as i picked up on it i should have said dont worry bout it and just did it myself!! oh well, not much i can do now apart from ask to be refunded! RIP Lucky... will be sadly missed...
I know it's in bad taste but I guess lucky ain't so lucky after all.....*runs*

No I have been following this thread also and it's been a rollercoster. I would definately name and shame the 'pet store' so next time this sort of thing may be prevented.
So whats happened Jess ? did you manage to get the autopsy done or even to the petshop, i know you have a newborn and i remember how time consuming they can be, but i think half of APS have tuned into this one even if they didn't have anything to contribute,

It would be nice to hear the final chapter
hi everyone, yes i found out wat the snake died of and it was a ruptured bowel they think there could have been a blockage and it just ruptured?? still waiting on more results thou, and for the pet shop they have offered me another snake and also a bearded dragon as i said i wanted to get one for my son, haven't yet got either of them as im still considering the offer! not too sure wat i wanna do yet??
What kind of substrate was it on in the shop, and in your enclosure?
I wouldn't consider taking another animal from this pet store just to much risk that something my happen to the next one. I would get a refund and look into buying from a breeder.

The decision is entirely up to you. If the Pet Shop has accepted that the problem was not of your making and they have offered to replace the snake and add in a CBD I thnk they are stepping up to the plate and in one respect should be applauded.

I know a few pet shops out there that would have attempted to wash their hands of it.

This whole epsiode may have been a bad experience for you but I reckon it's more a learnign experience if anything. Pet ownership results in heart break and whether it's a cat / dog / horse or reptile it's no different.

If you are able to look after both the animals they are offering and the have the time I'd go for it.

Make sure you get yourselfs some good python and CBD books. They are invaluable.

Keeping Carpet Pythons and Keeping Bearded Dragons can be sourced for as little as $15.00 each and a great reading.

I do agree with people saying to buy from breeders though. This is where joining a repitle club is important. The meetings are a great way to meet breeders and get great stuff at auctions.
thanx for the advise everyone, as for the pet shop i haven't decided wat to do yet, so far im just happy with them trying to help wen they could have just pushed me out the door i guess, but no they have been really good! and i will be able to look after both as i have enclosures ready for them! but anyway thanx heaps for all the advise!
Gosh.. I even work in a pet shop and care fir the reptiles we have, and I reccomend against pet shops!
I only buy from reputable breeders, and people I know and trust. I have been following your thread every post, and I say don't take the offer, rather get a refund and payment of the vet bills for the autopsy etc.

Go to a breeder

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