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ok i just rang the pet shop, but i didn't really say much just yet, they reackon they only used repti-guard mite spray diluted with water but i dont think thats the case coz wen i asked wat they used he umm'd n arrhh'd bout it before giving me an answer, and by the way he was talkin i think there gunna pay up! hopefully! just wait and see!!
they should defiantely pay up if they are the cause of ur problems,..

hope ur little one pulls thru!! :)
yea i hope they do to, i shouldn't have to pay for someone else's stuff up!!
Jessica i hope your snake pulls through some pet stores should not sell live animals at all. Please let us know what the outcome is of this horrible situlation.
I hope he pulls through for you. If they try to weasel their way out of a refund for you, just make a fuss and refuse to leave. You have a right to a refund if goods are defective and if you make enough of a fuss they will give you back your money just to end the problem. Poor little guy, stupid people.
Good luck.. I have my fingers and toes crossed for ur little snakey...
hmmmmmm seems strange to me that they are diluting repti-gaurd in water before applying as its designed to be used on all reptile, so me thinks he be talking crapola to you!! I would be asking that question to him next time you speak..... and if he says he dilutes it for hatchies then i would again call '********' as its supposed to be safe on reptiles of all ages

correct me if im wrong, i have not used this exact product before
still nothing yet waiting on the vet to call back, will let u know as soon as i know!!
ok, i have decided to wait, i will get the vet to write wats wrong with the snake and how it was caused so i can take that bak to them, then they have to take responsibility for it, also i dont understand why they needed to spray her anyway she didn't have any mites to start with?

the sooner you let them know the better. It was sick within 24hrs, dont leave it too long, otherwise they will try to use it against you.
i have let them know, and also the vet has rang and spoke with them as well
Good, as long as they dont try to rip you off. Like the majority say, get a refund and buy from a local breeder rather than a pet store, with the saved money buy a heat mat and probe thermostat ;)
And they wonder why we are so against pet shops selling reptiles in NSW...
ok, just got off the phone to the vet, she said the snake is really slowly improving its heart rate is up again and starting to show more use of its muscles, they are going to keep her over night to monitor her and let me know how she goes tomorrow! yay, so far so good!!
that is great news keep strong and it sounds like it might pull through
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