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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2007
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anyone else think some sellers have hitten rock bottom with the way reptiles are advertised especially reffering to some MD'S being sold at the moment just low and pathetic and shows the calibre of the herper. also the motives for which they treat,keep and breed reptiles.
Not sure what you mean? Are you having a go at how they're advertising or the prices???
not prices the way they advertise, suggestions etc
its the nature of the beast as more people get into herps, there will be more breeders in it to make a quick buck and they dont care about what they breed as long as they can make money.

These days you can buy a pair of carpets for a couple of hundred dollars so people figure if they get one clutch from the pair they can double or triple there money.
sorry you posted that last one as i was typing
what do you mean how they advertise?
To what are you referring? An example would be helpful. I just looked at the two ads for MD's in the for sale area, nothing out of sorts there.
pretty funny stuff that person is obviously just trying to have a laugh because i would not be buying off them
can you please give an example of a good add, and one of a pathetic add?
what exactly do you want in an add? not everyones a saleman. my adds and descriptions are getting shorter, does that mean my animals are lesser quality?
If you're referring to the ad on Petlink, I think the seller's just being tongue-in-cheek. No big deal.
i wouldnt be taking that seriously at all... although i now kinda want whatever it is he is buying ;) GREAT salesman
he's got the real atitude for a great, devoted reptile breeder :) im sure is collection is amazing :D will definatly be looking into getting one of his beauties later on down the track ;)

Take no notice of him, he's not being serious, probs just had a bad day. Thats the first ad i've seen like that, but most of the time there alright. Some people just want the animals gone, and some people are asking mega bucks for an animal only worth half the price.
What do they say?
Any publicity is good advertisement lol

I have purchased GTP and BHP from her and seen her collection which is very impressive.
Can't believe she would write that though. It has to be a joke just to get a reaction out of everyone surely.
She probably did it expecting her add to end up being plastered all over the forums in which case cudos to her. Top job.
What do they say?
Any publicity is good advertisement lol

I have purchased GTP and BHP from her and seen her collection which is very impressive.
Can't believe she would write that though. It has to be a joke just to get a reaction out of everyone surely.
She probably did it expecting her add to end up being plastered all over the forums in which case cudos to her. Top job.

You mean to say we've been had
ARghhhhh not again ;)
:lol::lol::lol:, thats a classic, makes me want a murray darling :lol::lol::lol:
re low

Made me laugh that,reminds me of when you could get a laugh from the selling forum on APS before it got cleaned up :)
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