Mangrove monitors and enclosure idea!!

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wow they are amazing looking:)

Thanks - the photos do not quite do them justice. In the right light they have a strong indigo, even greenish colour.

was just in melbourne a few days ago and was talking to someone in a pet shop (sorry i cant remember your name dan or dave maybe) but yeah i was looking for good books on monitors so i can have a really good read to decide what i get.... there are just so many different ones that are awesome!!

Upmarket pets is probably one of best pet shops for herps... I suspect that is where you went. We dropped in there with Greg Maxwell when he was out for the VHS meeting last year. He got quite the reception from Adam.

On the book front I am a herp-a-holic... and a bit of a book-herp-a-holic also.

Probably the best monitor book I have read is Matt Vincent and Steve Wilson "Australian Goannas". It is out of print but I got my copy from a VAAH meeting for $34. They had 2 more copies outside of that keep an eye on EBay. I like it because it is down to earth and practical. Their captive breeding in oz shows which is very useful.

Next on my list is Dennis King and Brian Green "Goannas - The biology of Varanid Lizards" It is published by the UNSW. It is also easy to read. It is part of the "Australian Natural History series". You should be able to get this from the Herp Shop.

The comes Bernd Euidenmuller "Monitor Lizards - Natural History, Captive Care & Breeding". It has great photos and is good on the captive care side of things. I think Brian (of the Herp Shop) still has a few copies available signed by the author. It is a good read.

If you are really into it get a copy Eric Plianka and Dennis King "Varanoid Lizards of the World" - it is sort of the Cogger of the Varanid world. I found it a good read but some might find it heavy going. It is also a bit expensive but probably worth every cent.

Did I miss any?
lol, serps, this thread is from over a year ago. i was just asking for an update
would be interesting to see if it had been turned into one ...I am with you twenty B I am curious ;)
mangroves as a rule are probably shyer and not as amendable to handling as lacies,but thats a generalisation,both can be nasty,both are capable of also being tame,but the main thing is they are all different and its a lottery as to how they will turn out,comparing them to ackies,they are nothing alike,if u witness how large monitors react at feeding time and the speed and power they have,you have to obviously be very careful,as a bite under those circumstances can be very painful,and not to mention the damage they can do,if u respect that though there great to keep,another large monitor to consider are mertons water monitors,they would do great in the area u are setting up for a cage, and are a good species to keep,they need the same conditions as mangroves to,but if you are really interested in mangroves,go for it,they are stunning animals
Lol hi guys! Well I have literally just got my class 2 like 2 days ago. But right now there are no plans for that area. I am currently converting a part on our balcony for a lizard pit. I'll put up some pics soon. That's almost done :) but now u have my class 2 I am looking back into them. I still have a large 6x2x2 fish tank from my water dragons which I could use for them in the mean time if I got some babies. But no updates on that idea. Mum and dad are liking this pit I'm building so if all goes well I might try this idea again :)
This is our girl - now about 800mm long. She is just starting to slough so looks a bit flaky. She was looking pretty cute until I opened the door and she started posturing. I love her to bits but have a healthy respect for those talons!
are you definetly set on monitors? i reckon it would look brilliant set up for water dragons!
herptrader, i have always wanted V. indicus, how much do they typically go for when they pop up for sale also good find on matt vincents book iv been trying to find it for afew years

sweetangle, definatly throw some rosenbergs, bells phase lacies in it or if it were me id throw a pair of scrubs in there they are very active as far as pythons go although i dont know how you would go in winter
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