May have a heart condition, advice please

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Yeah, thanks everyone. Not much I can do either way, so I'll just roll with the punches ;)
i've landed in hospital twice because of intracranial hypertension...start off as headaches and get worse as time goes by. when it comes to the body you can't leave anything to chance. i should mention that i'm the healthiest out of my family; perfect BSL, BP,everything
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When I was 19 my left lung spontaneously collapsed and I had to have surgery and spent some time in Intensive care.
During follow up tests They found I had a congenital heart issue that has caused my left lung and chest cavity to be 2/3 of the size of what it should be.
I used to lead a very active life style and worked full time etc, now I struggle to run around the block.
Although I had to rethink what types of employment suited my health I still lead a happy life, don't let any health issues get you down, just remember how lucky you are to be alive in a country like ours
pulmonary embolisms are blood clots in the lungs, bloody awful things

a couple of years back i was suffering for weeks from what i thought was asthma, we had had a lot of rain so a lot of grass seeds everywhere, went away for a few days to Mildura came home went to bed and i woke up the next morning with my left leg 3 times its normal size, went to have a shower to go to the hospital and came out i could hardly breath so hubby called the ambos who came out but by then breathing was back to normal, but they took one leg at the leg and rushed me to hospital..CT scan showed blood clots from behind the knee to the top of the groin told to come back the next day for heperon injections, got there the next day and could hardly breath was rushed out the back and into another CT scan and they found my lungs full of clots...these had traveled up my leg, thru my HEART and into my lungs...damn lucky i didnt die

so yes insist on being referred to a specialist and request the CT scan etc, better safe then sorry

my 'asthma' was clots you just never know...good luck
Good on ya for seeing a doctor mate!
Far too many men do the whole "She'll be right" thing, and it doesn't suprise me that a lot of them die.
hope you dont have anything to serious.

R.I.P Zyzz, an inspiration to many!
Blood tests won't show much and are unlikely to be useful in helping you sort this out. You need an ECG and probably a holter monitor. Any GP can do an ECG for you but some of them aren't much chop at interpreting it as they don't do them every day. For a holter monitor you'll need a referal to a Cardiologist which you can insist on particularly if you don't think your GP is taking you seriously. Try not to stress too much about it as there are many benign reasons that could be causing your symptoms but you need to get properly assessed to rule the potentially serious stuff. Good luck.
i had a problem similar to this when i was younger, i still have it now but not as bad, turns out i have an irregular heart beat, low blood pressure and a heart murmour, so one minute my heart rate will be normal, and the next it will be through the roof for no apparent reason and like you said, it is noticable, because it makes me feel drained and somewhat exhausted, and i do randomly have a tight chest at times, sometimes it feels like it's hard to breathe... i havn't been to the doc in years about it as it's gradually getting less and less common, but i would suggest you seek medical advice jsut to be on the safe side.
Definitely, a visit to the doc would be in order from what you said. I had problems, breathlessness etc for years, including the palpitations, only found out, at the age of 49 years, that I had a hole in my heart, quick overnight stay in hospital fixed it!!!!! They use an amplatzer device now, which can be inserted via the femoral artery!!!!!!

Good luck
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