Miniature pigs??

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Before I got one i was worried, all the fuss bout people saying they didnt exist!

now i have two haha well ones def mine, and the other I kind of gave to my parents that I live with anyway

I got my little girl when she was eight weeks old. I payed a deposit and think it was 3months later before I even got to choose her!

It does depend what they eat, as she is now 8.5 months, and weighed a bit over 5kg 2 weeks back, where is the boy which i got when he was 5 months old is only 3 weeks older, and he weighs over 18!

they are great pets, but a little too noisy for surburbia at times.

They are much like a dog really, easy to train, they do anything for food!

my girl is the size of a medium sized cat:)
A Current Affair did something on the scam about 12 months back, as said they are not allowed in Australia. All these people bought them and now have 100+kg pets lol
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I've been looking into them also, and I think that there are very limited respectable breeders (mentioned in a previous post, as stated by these miniature pig association of Australia) and I wouldn't trust any other breeders pigs. The respected breeders tell you that the pig can get up to one hundred kilos, but more likely to be a fair bit less than that. I would recommend going to see the piglets relatives and talking to people who had purchased from that breeder.
Pigs of any size are highly intelligent problem solvers.Males are very dominant,some to the point of being savage,females not so bad except when with her piglets......which are so cute you just wanna cuddle them.yes pigs are very noisy and demanding animals,which love to eat just about anything.including you need to watch their intake closely.pigs will poop in one spot,they only roll in mud for sunscreen puposes.if kept outdoors they don't really pong to much.they come when called and will follow you around all day like a dog,with the dogs.they can be jealous at times.pigs are cool.but they do tend to grow and grow.are you prepared if it doesn't stop growing at dog size?what if it does end up a 200kg+ porker?
Alos make sure your not in a water catchment area! I live on propertey but i cannot keep pigs becasue im in a water catchment area for the nearest dam!
my uncle has miniture pige but they grow up in a couple of weeks haha!! he breeds them in the hunter so if anyone wants a normal pig that are fairly good behavioured most the time pm me!! he can sell u one then he will buy it back when its to big for you if that is the problem! if not u can keep it!! they are really smart animals!! surprisingly haha anyways i have no idea about miniture pigs but just thought i should point that out haha

cheers Ryan
I personally own a razorback boar (that has been castrated). I got him as a piglet and he was pretty wild, but after spending time with him he is now probably one of the greatest friends you could ask for in a pet. I live on a farm so he has plenty of room. Single pigs are incredibly clean and make no smell at all providing they are outdoors. He is now almost 5 years old and pushing, if not over, 200kg. All in all pigs make great pets no matter what size as long as you provide plenty of room for them,

pic 035.jpg
as mentioned before,
buy your mini from a reputable breeder. Best off waiting in line for a baby because you have control over what it eats/behaviour from a young age(usually round the 8-10 week mark)
Watch what you feed it! nothing high in protein! I think they recommend 11to13% at most, but this does not mean it can eat as much as it wants!
With mine it was really trial and error, if they are starting to be obese, then cut their food down.
They love food, I know they are cute, but at he end of the day, if you dont want to a porker, then you will have to be a strict mum or dad!

I can already tell how food is the biggest influence. a 8.5 month old that is spose to reach 45-48 cm and she is still uinder 30cm, and another that was overfed, 3 weeks older, was spose top grow 40ish cm and he is 44+ !

the only issue i have is that they are still classed as a pig, and you need to check dpi laws also! legally they arent sposed to move around without a pigpass I think. But the chances of Dpi finding a pig on the passenger floor is probably slim.

They are very smart:) but sometimes a small package = big attitude.


oh and i have to add another consideration before buying!

make sure you have a vet near by that deals with pigs!

they may think they are like a dog, in some respects I guess they are, but they are very different in respect to things like how they take to aneasthetic, local or general!

I definitely dont trust just any vet putting my pigs under for anything!
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