Nothing worse then having an escapee. I was cleaning my striped marsh frog enclosure and put my favourite male with his 3 females into a storage tub. One of the kids must have unlocked it and when I went to put him back he was gone. I was heartbroken thinking I had lost my best man to either my terrier or he's gone out the open Backdoor. I looked and looked but nothing. Then a few nights later we heard him somewhere in the kitchen but couldn't narrow him down due to echo. Then he kept going for almost 2 weeks (my wife was going nuts) keeping everyone in the house awake then one morning after another restless night due to frog croaking I found him on the floor in front of the enclosure, just sitting there staring at me as if he was trying to tell me he had returned from holidays and ready to go home Lol.
glad you found your little guy as well.