Missing Snake

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Very Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2008
Reaction score
Manly West, Brisbane
Hi everyone,

I checked on my spotted python Ziggy this morning and she was gone! The other day, I realised the temp in her enclosure was a bit too warm so I opened up the top for a few minutes and I went off and did a few things and I just assumed (wrongly) that she was still under her hide. I then closed the lid and went and bought her a lower wattage heat bulb and installed that but didn't check on her.

Then this morning, as I was walking past the enclosure I could see that there was some shed under the hide (which I hadn't noticed was there before) so I went looking for her to see how she was looking and I couldn't find her.

The trouble is (other than the fact that I have a snake on the loose) is that I also have pet rats and one has just had babies a week or so ago and Ziggy is currently feeding on pinkie rats. Would she attempt to get into the rat cage, which I'm sure she could, and would the mother rat be able to protect her babies well enough?
Yes she can. Rats can kill snakes. Just keep looking will be there somewhere, Turn the room upside down then the rest of the house. Dont assume a spot is to small for the snake to hide you wil be surprised.

Good luck
I know how you feel.
Sorry to hear that. I have learned the hard way snakes are quick and can find their way out very quickly.
I had two go missing at different times it took me between 2 hours and 3 weeks to find them.
My tips:-
Create a warm spot with mat or lamp.
Look in the early evening / morning when they are active.
Use food a lure.
This brings me to the next problem, I agree cjpossum the mother rat could seriously injure or kill your snake.Try to move them from danger to each other.
Hope this helps.
More than likely,she would be closer than you think,double check around the enclosure,i would love 2 have a dollar 4 every snake that escapes,if you cant find it,wait to tonite,turn lights and tele off,wait a hour or so,walk around with a torch,you could even put some pinky rats around in the corners in the room where it got out,best of luck....
Thanks for all your help guys. I've gone around with the torch this morning looking in all the obvious spots, but no luck so I will try looking for her tonight using the methods suggested.

On a funny note, I'm having visions of Ziggy hiding out watching me, thinking to herself....you're getting warm....getting warmer....ohh cold....colder...lol
How lucky am I?

I came home tonight and went straight to my parrot's cage to say hello to him, and there sitting on the top of his cage was Ziggy. Not sure if the bird knew he was there, but he wasn't too far from him but neither of them seem bothered by each other. I just picked him up and waited a minute or so before he decided to let go of the cage. I really thought I was going to have to hunt high and low for him. I'm lucky that Ziggy is only small otherwise the poor bird might have become lunch and I would have been heartbroken cause I adore this bird.
Yeah, it sure is, and I can't believe how lucky I was to find him so quickly and without much effort.
I'm glad you found Ziggy:D
We have two budgies, so I will be sure to check their cage if I ever loose any of my snakes.
Did you end up finding your geckos?
Don't suppose you have considered buying locks for your enclosures?;):D
If it helps, I left my 7 foot coastals enclosure cracked open (about a 3cm crack!) recently. No escapes but I would just look behind the heater if they did, thats where I found him once before:rolleyes::D.
Very very Lucky Jewly :)
Congrats on finding the little guy,
I'm glad you found Ziggy:D
We have two budgies, so I will be sure to check their cage if I ever loose any of my snakes.
Did you end up finding your geckos?
Don't suppose you have considered buying locks for your enclosures?;):D
If it helps, I left my 7 foot coastals enclosure cracked open (about a 3cm crack!) recently. No escapes but I would just look behind the heater if they did, thats where I found him once before:rolleyes::D.

Yes, I found my gecko within a day or two. I was watching tv one night and I thought I saw a shadow on the wall and I went to investigate but it wasn't him, but then I turned around and he was on the other wall right at eye height and I just walked up and picked him up.

Enclosures do have a lock, but I had noticed that it was a bit warm in the enclosure so I had the lid up for a minute or two trying to cool it down. I thought I was watching him carefully enough but obviously the first chance he got, he made a run for it, or is that a slither for it..lol
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