Mitchell's Water Monitors

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Very Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2003
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Newcastle, NSW
Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone has any husbandry info on the Mitchell's Water Monitors? Anyone know any breeders? I'll be looking for a pair close to the end of the year, trying to organise the husbandry requirements now so I can have an enclosure built/tested and ready to go.

Simon Archibald
checkout herptrader there was a trio or a pair forsale, I know someone who keeps them and the entire substrate is water with logs and hide suspended above it and they need to be reall hot, so in colder areas best kept inside..
Sweet sound interesting.
I saw a doco a while back on the island and they had some footage of wild specimans they looked pretty special.
Good luck Simon sounds like a great little project.
Thanks heaps guys - I'll see what I can find.

The plan was to take up half of the garage, use a water container (like a pool type setup) and then have a raised piece of land aswell. Sides will probably be something like 25mm Plywood, with a perspex window and a door. I wasn't going to have a roof, but if they need it that hot, I'll definately put a roof on it.

The garage doesn't get too cold, but cold enough to need plenty of extra heating to keep these guys healthy. This will be done with about 3 or 4 reflector globes at one end, one or 2 others scattered around and some heat cords running through rocks, etc to heat some floor aswell.

Apart from all that, the biggest issue is security so nothing will be done before that is sorted out.

Thanks again,
Simon Archibald
Security would be a must on something like i reckon good call Simon.But that souns awesome.Maybe if you can insulate the garage a bit may cost a little but you can still get out of it fairly cheaply.Is it a concrete floor.Like you said a some floor would be the go aswell.
Would they be a similar set-up to a Mertens you think.
I think after much debat with myself my wants and the fact that i want everything i think Mertens are now on the next to get list.
Seen 1 up the shops where "Dreamtime" where doing a talk and display.
Yeah it's a concrete floor Robert, so really needs the cord heaters for that. I'm thinking that it really shouldn't be too bad, especially with a roof as a fully enclosed unit. Especially with all those reflector globes (each being about 150watts), it should work out OK.

As far as Mertens, I'd assume it would be a similar setup. They were also another option for this enclosure, but since Mitchell's are smaller I think the space would better suit them.

If it all fails for the water monitors, something simple like some Heath Monitors would be OK too - I always planned to get them in the future anyway. They are a much more drab looking monitor, but quite interesting none the less.

Simon Archibald
i know a guy that has mertins and i recon they're great, I think he's planing to use a bathtub for there water, which would be easy to clean cause you can just unplug it
Hey Scott,
Where does that guy live? What sort of enclosure has he got for them? What size enclosure for adults? What temps? Inside or outside?

Simon Archibald
not sure, he olny got them a few days befor i saw them so he didnt have anything major set up. I did help him unload 3 house windows, the type with a big window in the middle with a siding one either side. about 3m by 2m, so its a large project,
Next time i see him i'll ask for some more details. Hopefully i'll be getting a nice lace monitor off him the start of next yearr
Thanks mate - would love to know the details. I should be gettin' some lacies at the end of the year too - from Andrew Melrose.

Simon Archibald
mangrove monitors are awesome, a guy did a big talk on them at a vhs meeting a while ago. he is situated up there and catches them and releaases them for science or sumtin
Andrew Melrose did a great talk on monitor husbandry at the Australian herp society last friday. I can't wait to get some money to buy myself as many monitors as possible :D
anyone know where i can see pics of these mitchels monitors?
they sort of look like a mertons from the pics i can see. do they grow as big as mertons?
Mitchells are alot smaller and slender-bodied compared to the heavy-bodied mertens water monitor. But both have relatively the same colouring. But i really don't know alot about either monitors.
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