Not a picture but... Turok actually let me measure him today. Yes I mean I literally got a tape measure and put one end on the tip of his nose and the other end at the tip of his tail and he didn't crack a poo about it. Was pretty surprised.
He measured in at 1.1m. Just over 2 years old. So I'm going with 'He'. Especially since he has a bit of his tail missing (got him like that from breeder). Just the white part at the very end. How long usually is that?
Oh on a side note. A couple of his toe nails have broken off somehow. Pretty sure this only happened since he was in his tank outside and started digging though. Will they eventually grow back or it depends?
Part of the nail(s) are still there so they're not completely ripped out.
I don't think it's a humidity/shedding issue as he has a bath tub to swim in and i spray him regularly if it's hot outside. Plus when it rains naturally the humidity goes up.
[doublepost=1573044484,1569403579][/doublepost]Well, got my second bite today. Not sure what triggered it. Food response I would guess. Even though I gave him a big Rat just yesterday (and I thought he was getting used to the idea that bowl means food... That seems to be out the window now).
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Didn't do too much damage. Put a heap of dettol on it and a bandaid pad over it. Not hurting or anything so should be all good.
I am disappointed though as I thought I was making good progress with Turok.
Where should I go from here?
Old man found this poor squashed bugger while driving along today.
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Rather than let it go to waste we chucked it in for Turok (would of given it to one of the Pythons otherwise) and let him be.
Only one Goanna left in the tank so I'm assuming he got it down. His biggest feed yet.