Moray eel

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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
Perth, WA
My undulated moray, love him like one of my snakes.



about 2' at the moment, will max at around 5'
Those photos through glass and water are great. Very clean and clear. Almost looks like a land critter.

Great eel. I had a Zebra Moray until recently and I know how wonderful eels can be as pets. :)
cool , scary looking things when you see em when you go snorkling, very nice though. i have always wanted to get a hairtail for my fish tank, would look mad at night
:eek: wow, interesting choice of pet, beautiful. I guess that wwhat people say of me and my snakes!:lol: Nice colours too, how big of a tank do you need for him?
They make great pets. This guy isn't too fond of tankmates though. One of the larger growing more agro moray species. He is in a 8x3x2.5 solo. Can't wait till he hits ~4' that's when the fun starts. I need to get my GF to stand on guard when im cleaning the tank, as he likes biting fingers and hands. He has some serious dentures on him, i would think a bit efrom him would put a bite from any of my pythons to shame!

cheers for the kind words about the quality of the pics, just got a new digi and these are some of my first pics... hopefully should improve with a bit of practice...

i had a snowflake eel once, kept him in a tank with my seahorses! They are gorgeous too but very hard to keep. (seahorses that is)
Not hard to keep if you keep them in the correct conditions, actually quite hardy.

This thread should probably be moved, sorry.

other then tank mates and your fingers what else do you feed him? guess fish flakes are out of the question, unless they were the size of prawn crackers lol
Awesome, just beautiful.
I have visions of a huge tropical tank running the length of my bed room wall, well one day when i have my own house, and i'm rich and famous, :p lol
Very Cool.

I bet you won't be holding him in your hands!
Had a snowflake for 3 years, went from a 30cm pencil thin thing that wouldn't hurt a sea lice, and turned into a 2 1/2 ft 2 inch thick tube of angry eel. loved nothing more then hunting down a few live prawns or mullets
Snowflakes are usually one of the more accepting eels of tankmates, but yes they will eat small prawns etc.

Try a green or an undulate if you want an angry moray. Although they need alot of room, and a dedicated keeper.

never knew u could keep eels! would make a much more interesting aquarium display than gold fish. anyone else got pics? :D :D :D

Not the best pic of my reef tank taken with my old camera, will get some updates soon...

It looks like you've got the eel in a nice simple set up, what do they need filter / lighting wise?
i like the good goldfish or two,

can we get a lil care sheet or something im interested, espec in the snwflake eel anyone know prices and were, and what you need?


i love PICS!!!!!!
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