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It's about decency to the animal, they just treated it like another bit meat to be carved up for the lions instead of a newborn animal that they'd put plenty of care into seeing created and birthed. They could have done a abortion when they first knew of the pregnancy or not let the animals inbreed to begin with.

Just because animals eat other animals doesn't mean that people want to see it or see the dissection process, not eveyone is immune to death and slaughter like some of you or are saddists.
I agree with the ignorance is bliss commment, just because I eat meat doesn't mean I would enjoy going out see a cute young lamb killed and carved up or a pig get it's throat slit and mutilated etc.

As to the watching part, plenty of people can't help watching something out of horror or shock, just like in watching cringe worthy or freaky bits in movies that you know are coming but can't help but watch when they do but alot more real.
So not everyone exposed to that would have wanted to watch or not be affected by it.
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It's about decency to the animal, they just treated it like another bit meat to be carved up for the lions instead of a newborn animal that they'd put plenty of care into seeing created and birthed. They could have done a abortion when they first knew of the pregnancy or not let the animals inbreed to begin with.

Just because animals eat other animals doesn't mean that people want to see it or see the dissection process, not eveyone is immune to death and slaughter like some of you or are saddists.
I agree with the ignorance is bliss commment, just because I eat meat doesn't mean I would enjoy going out see a cute young lamb killed and carved up or a pig get it's throat slit and mutilated etc.

As to the watching part, plenty of people can't help watching something out of horror or shock, just like in watching cringe worthy or freaky bits in movies that you know are coming but can't help but watch when they do but alot more real.
So not everyone exposed to that would have wanted to watch or not be affected by it.
I wasn't quite as against it till I dreamt being there when it happened...
I don't like the thought of any animal being killed, dissected ect let alone watching it happen!
as I'm sure a lot of u have probably figured by now I'm vegetarian and have been since I was 5 when I first found out it came from animals but at the same time I know some animals are just made to and need to eat it but I think things like this are abit over the top...
if he wants to experiment and dissect all these animals I'd suggest him to more go into the science lab thing instead of a zoo....
Personally I think it's fine that something like this happens once in a while - a reality check so-to-speak. Too many people in society these days that think meat comes from the ground or is created in a lab somewhere.

Back in earlier days when you farmed and cared for your own produce, death was a part of life; and with that I believe comes an element of compassion, respect and thanksgiving. These days the only things the vast majority of people seem to care about is how cheap they can buy their meat without a care in the world for how it was kept; and to a degree that compassion & respect is lost. Vegetarians obviously do care hence their lifestyle change...but don't get me started on vegans - you guys wouldn't exist without your carnivore ancestors & a bunch of scientists helping to create a range of supplements to keep you rolling along & functioning normally (jokes).

So if this particular euthanasia wasn’t cruel, and the zoo weighed up the pros and cons (no doubt consulting with people far more knowledgeable & compassionate than most in the care & upkeep of giraffes) – So what was/is the issue? From my perspective the issue is that society that has become far too removed; perhaps sheltered is a better word; towards death, passing judgement & where we sit in the scale of things. As long as it was done humanely & there is a long-term conservation aspect to it; I have no issue with what was done.
[MENTION=39804]critterguy[/MENTION] what do you not understand?? It has been said many times in this thread, and in the articles, that the dissection was not performed in front of the general public. It was done in front of an audience that wanted to be there. Not everyone thinks there is a problem with science and that's exactly what it is. Plenty of people, including myself, would have been very interested to see this. I'm of the belief that if you eat meat then you should also be willing to kill it.
Sorry, didn't see the bits mentioning if was done in front of a select audience and not just the normal audience, that's different then.
By my standards, what happened to the giraffe foal is entirely acceptable. It was thought out, done humanely, and the best outcome that could be acheived by this act, was.
I kill and eat meat. Have done for years. Be it fish or whatever. It is not disgusting to butcher and clean a carcass for the table, it is not disgusting to kill an animal to eat, it is not disgusting to ensure that healthy populations of rare and endangered animals is done properly. The life of one to ensure the survival of many.
What is disgusting, is having no respect for the animal, killing without proper reason, wasting life, and knowingly breeding defected animals.
There are people in this very hobby that do worse within their own collections of snakes, then the zoo at Copenhagen did with the giraffe foal.
Arrrr Marius heres your ryhe bread , ze little Marius stuck his head out and i shot him right through ze brain ,nothing much has changed over the years LOL
audience or public , no one would be tied down and forced to watch , i believe that being open about how and what they do is always better than doing it behind closed doors and play " brocken telephone " , they respected the animal by not wasting it .
They did it as a protest basically ,they would do it away from the public normally without all the hooplah.
they did kill him in front of the public and in front of kids Marius the giraffe dissected at Copenhagen zoo - video | World news |

also he was not euthanised but shot in the head with a bolt gun. and now this same zoo has killed 2 "older" lions and their 10 month old cubs to make way for 1 new male. if the lions were that old they would not be still breeding and raising 2 healthy cubs.

to me it looks like they knew they were gonna kill these animals but let them breed anyway and now killed 2 healthy cubs.

if i found out there was a genetic problem with one of my dogs or reptiles i would never kill them, i'd desex them or find them another home for them.

i understand the lions need to eat but what about that giraffes right to live, its a zoo not the african wild. other zoos wanted to take him and were willing to pay for him, he could of had a great long life but they choose to kill him instead.

and now they want to kill another giraffe wen there are zoos willing to take him.

ok so what do you guys think of this one, i have an older male beardie who has very few teeth left and can't chew vegetables unless they are cut thinley/ small they also have to be hand fed to him cause he has an under bite (his lower jaw is larger than his top jaw) he has a harder time catching insects more than normal beardies and also was born with a kinked tail. i will never breed him because of his age and the amount of deformities he was born with. so do you thinks its ok for me to kill him and feed him to my BHP or one of my monitors? even though he is in no pain and has a great life.
they did kill him in front of the public and in front of kids Marius the giraffe dissected at Copenhagen zoo - video | World news |

also he was not euthanised but shot in the head with a bolt gun. and now this same zoo has killed 2 "older" lions and their 10 month old cubs to make way for 1 new male. if the lions were that old they would not be still breeding and raising 2 healthy cubs.

to me it looks like they knew they were gonna kill these animals but let them breed anyway and now killed 2 healthy cubs.

if i found out there was a genetic problem with one of my dogs or reptiles i would never kill them, i'd desex them or find them another home for them.

i understand the lions need to eat but what about that giraffes right to live, its a zoo not the african wild. other zoos wanted to take him and were willing to pay for him, he could of had a great long life but they choose to kill him instead.

and now they want to kill another giraffe wen there are zoos willing to take him.

ok so what do you guys think of this one, i have an older male beardie who has very few teeth left and can't chew vegetables unless they are cut thinley/ small they also have to be hand fed to him cause he has an under bite (his lower jaw is larger than his top jaw) he has a harder time catching insects more than normal beardies and also was born with a kinked tail. i will never breed him because of his age and the amount of deformities he was born with. so do you thinks its ok for me to kill him and feed him to my BHP or one of my monitors? even though he is in no pain and has a great life.

You're not going to like this one bit, and I support your right to have your opinion 100%, but you did ask....

I think it would absolutely be the best thing for your lizard (and, in a round-about way, the natural thing to do!) for you to euthanise it. Then, having done so, if it can be used for food then why not?

I love my pets just like the next person but I am under no illusions that we aren't using these pets for selfish purposes, just as with any other animal!

To pick at one point you made, what about the right to live of the rats/insects/whatever else we are feeding to our pets? Those animals are all healthy, mostly young, and are knowingly bred and then killed. And what of the animals we farm for human consumption? All healthy, young and living good lives until we kill them to eat/wear.

As someone who is studying to enter the captive animal industry perhaps I have gained some extra insight that some others may not have, I can't be sure. What I am sure of it that it is hypocritical and selfish to condemn these practices while we practice them ourselves on animals we somehow place less value on!
You're not going to like this one bit, and I support your right to have your opinion 100%, but you did ask....

I think it would absolutely be the best thing for your lizard (and, in a round-about way, the natural thing to do!) for you to euthanise it. Then, having done so, if it can be used for food then why not?

I love my pets just like the next person but I am under no illusions that we aren't using these pets for selfish purposes, just as with any other animal!

To pick at one point you made, what about the right to live of the rats/insects/whatever else we are feeding to our pets? Those animals are all healthy, mostly young, and are knowingly bred and then killed. And what of the animals we farm for human consumption? All healthy, young and living good lives until we kill them to eat/wear.

As someone who is studying to enter the captive animal industry perhaps I have gained some extra insight that some others may not have, I can't be sure. What I am sure of it that it is hypocritical and selfish to condemn these practices while we practice them ourselves on animals we somehow place less value on!

rats, mice, insects and our our meat products have been breed and raised to be killed and used as food. an animal that has been breed and raised as a pet or a zoo animal is not breed for food purposes.

so even though my Beardie is in no pain and lives a good life, you still think i should have him euthanised. just because an animal is no longer useful as a breeder or they have a deformity gives us no right to take their life.

i personally think some humans should be desexed and others should be killed for the crimes they have commited but it still does not give me the right to take their life.

any animal who has the chance to live a long happy life should be given that chance. we humans think we have a god given right to do what we want wen we want.

its a shame to see such a beautiful healthy young giraffe killed wen he could have gone to another zoo.
The giraffe wasn't euthanized because there wasn't anyone who wanted it. It happened because the zoo was constrained in who they could send it to. No one that they could send it to wanted it.
blame the system not the zoo. This happens all of the time with zoos it's just not publicized.
It was done humanely and didn't go to waste. Not only was it recycled but was used as an educational tool.
I have a problem with the system that led to the situation but not with the situation itself.
rats, mice, insects and our our meat products have been breed and raised to be killed and used as food. an animal that has been breed and raised as a pet or a zoo animal is not breed for food purposes.

so even though my Beardie is in no pain and lives a good life, you still think i should have him euthanised. just because an animal is no longer useful as a breeder or they have a deformity gives us no right to take their life.

i personally think some humans should be desexed and others should be killed for the crimes they have commited but it still does not give me the right to take their life.

any animal who has the chance to live a long happy life should be given that chance. we humans think we have a god given right to do what we want wen we want.

its a shame to see such a beautiful healthy young giraffe killed wen he could have gone to another zoo.

And this is where our opinions swing in opposite directions.

What gives you the right to decide that cows for beef can be killed for food but giraffe can't? That's speciesism if I've ever heard it! The cow doesn't know it was bred as food and nor did the giraffe know it was not!
if an animal is breed for food, i do feel sorry for it but it was breed for food. but an animal that was breed in a zoo, that people paid to go see wen it was born, was then killed.

i would have no problem is it was sick and they killed it and feed it to lions, its not the feeding part that gets to me. its letting them breed knowing it would be inbreed and then letting it live for 18 months because it was cute and would bring in more money wen people come to see the baby giraffe, then wen its big and not as cute kill it.
I like the idea of being able to see how loins feed on their pray animals really cool, you wouldn't see that every day of the week. It's the circle of life.
they did kill him in front of the public and in front of kids Marius the giraffe dissected at Copenhagen zoo - video | World news |

also he was not euthanised but shot in the head with a bolt gun. and now this same zoo has killed 2 "older" lions and their 10 month old cubs to make way for 1 new male. if the lions were that old they would not be still breeding and raising 2 healthy cubs.

to me it looks like they knew they were gonna kill these animals but let them breed anyway and now killed 2 healthy cubs.

if i found out there was a genetic problem with one of my dogs or reptiles i would never kill them, i'd desex them or find them another home for them.

i understand the lions need to eat but what about that giraffes right to live, its a zoo not the african wild. other zoos wanted to take him and were willing to pay for him, he could of had a great long life but they choose to kill him instead.

and now they want to kill another giraffe wen there are zoos willing to take him.

ok so what do you guys think of this one, i have an older male beardie who has very few teeth left and can't chew vegetables unless they are cut thinley/ small they also have to be hand fed to him cause he has an under bite (his lower jaw is larger than his top jaw) he has a harder time catching insects more than normal beardies and also was born with a kinked tail. i will never breed him because of his age and the amount of deformities he was born with. so do you thinks its ok for me to kill him and feed him to my BHP or one of my monitors? even though he is in no pain and has a great life.
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