My bearded dragon sleeps a lot and it's summer!

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New Member
Apr 14, 2009
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Gold Coast
I've recently bought my first beardie and i was wondering how much he is supposed to sleep during summer. He seems to go to sleep at around 6pm. Not sure if this is earlier than usual or if it's normal...? Could someone please help??

Also, how many times a day do I feed him? He's approx 1 1/2 years old...
You didnt do any research on keeping beardies before you got him did you lol if you dont know how many times a day to feed him

Welcome to aps btw seeing its ur first post
i would feed him every day maybey every second ir third. as for th early nights i dont realy know i would say thats normal mine go to sleep at about 7pm. but my babies will stay up until i go to bed wich is about 10:30
Well it was my understanding that I only had to feed him fruit and veg once a day and then crickets 2 - 3 times a week but now I've been trawling the web for beardie info and theres so much mismatched info out there, i just want to make sure I'm doing whats best for Chuck.

It's not just that he sleeps a lot he also just seems to be lethargic but it's spring so he shouldn't be brumating should he?
Hi & welcome!:)
What temps (basking & cool) do u have for your beardie? And do u know what temps he was kept at before now?
If he's 1 & 1/2 yrs, he should cope well with veg/fruit mix every day, approx. 3 times/wk fed live feeders such as woodies or crickets or silkworms - large.
Really need to know your temps though, & general set-up - important for their health & well-being. He really shouldn't be lethargic. When did u get him?
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