My Dragons arent eating and are very "quiet"

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Apr 17, 2009
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Hi all,

I recently purchased 2 x bearded dragons, male and female pair approx 12 months old. At first both were feeding really well and were very active. About a 8 or 9 days ago the female stopped eating and has been hiding in her cave for the last 7 or 8 days. I contacted the shop i purchased them from and i was told not to worry as she may be ovulating and not feel like eating (apparently they can survive without food for several weeks).

Now, as of yesterday, the male has also stopped eating and is "hiding out" in the cave. He previously was eating really well (maybe too well) and spent very little time in the cave. Should I be worried or is this normal behaviour?

The enclosure is 32 deg C in the hottest part. Is this hot enough? I have been feeding them crickets mainly (with calcium supplement), and have now started trying pelleted dragon food with veggies - which isnt very popular and is usually just thrown out. Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated!!

Hmm...My black Soil dragon is doing exactly same thing but hes active just not eating...... 32 should be enough though.
Bump the heat up, give them a basking spot of about 40C

Keep feeding them veges, i wouldnt bother with pellets. Bok choy is a favourite with my beardies
i'd maybe bump the hot end up to about 40 degrees.
and stupid question, but you've got UV on them?
My 10 month old beardie did the same thing a couple weeks ago. I took her to the vet. Vet told me to crank the heat up to about 35-36 degrees. I did that and she started eating again. No more hiding either.
This crazy weather is confusing the poor little things.
Mine were doing that too, their hot spot was 41 and they just weren't interested in coming out of hiding, I bumped up the fat content in their diet, cut up some meal worms and only gave them the fatty soft middle bits (worried about impaction), perked them right up... so now I'm just offering them their veggies a bit more and they're still going good... not too many meal worms for them though, too much fat isn't healthy for them, don't want fat lizards.
ur housing them together?

the female is most probably stressed out of her mind, the male is probably pissed off cos the female is hiding and he cant repeateldy make love to her against her will.

dragons should be housed seperately and put together for breeding purposes, then seperated again.

my girls absolutely freak at teh sight of the boy.

basking temps should be 40-45C

do u have a UVB light in there?
they need UVB to process the calcium, being lethargic could be the first sign of MBD,...

none of my dragons stop eating when they 'ovulate', ur petshop dude is talking out his butt.
hey all,

yep got UV light and calcium supplements..

they were housed together when i bought them (as a pair) and when i mentioned they'd be housed together the guy said theyd be fine. hmm.... when i first bought them home she was eating well and was really active.. hardly ever hid in her cave..

i have spoken to other people who have kept them together before and said they wer fine.. but im now a little worried tho..

i have bumped the heat up and she is heaps more active.. may have to try separating.. thanks all for your input and advice..
a pet shop makes more money by selling u 2,...and maybe even more when u have to buy extra equipment and an enclosure, its all about $ to them,...

maybe they were cool with each other cos they were still abit younger and it was winter,....

do keep an eye on them and consider seperating them, while ur boy may like having someone to harass, ur girl will be much happier on her own.
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