Very impressive mate. Can you provide some info on it? Dimensions, construction, glass thickness, species etc? It looks like it sits proud of the wall, does it? If so, does it still have a standard glass bottom?
Designed and built myself. Base is concrete slab 110mm thick. Sides and back are concrete blocks filled solid. There is actually a bedroom and office behind it.5m long, 80cm deep, 1m high - which equates to 4000L or 4 tonne of water. The 'glass' is actually two pieces of 30mm thick acrylic (can hit it with a hammer/pool ball:lol: etc. without it breaking).
It's a community tank.
Gorgeous tank!! But don't you think its a little small
How long does it take to clean and change all the fixtures in there, if you don't mind me asking..?
Stunning Thanks for sharing.. (Just a tad envious now lol)
Not sure what you mean by fixtures. I drop 1000L of water every fortnight (onto my garden). This can take a few hours depending on how many siphon hoses I use. When I replant the tank out I have to get in to do that, and I give the acrylic a clean then. I only do this once or twice a year.
It's fairly easy to look after actually. The only problem is trying to catch a fish if you want it out. I have to set traps and try to trick them into nets etc. One fish (a rainbow) took me months of trying on and off before I got that out.
OMG it is awsome:shock:
To think I sold my aulonocara's to make room for my snakes when all I needed to do was knock a wall out and build a tank. I read up on plywood tanks etc but that is something else. Fantastic
God I have such rubbish aquarium skills... My little tanks holding my crayfish go greeny black ssoooo fast - algae just LOVES the glass.. If I had a tank that big you couldn't see through it.. I'd need to clean it once a week not once a year!