Okay, so, I am having a bit of an issue with my Inland (cue violin music), I have noticed today that something is up with him. I was getting ready to start cleaning out his tank and I noticed he was having some issues with his face, it seemed like something was irritating him because he was rubbing his face on everything. Initially I thought he just had something stuck to his face but then I realised it wasn’t. I can’t quite figure out what it is.
I have ruled out mites, there are none in his water bowl, nothing on his body, nothing around the tank. I think I could see something on his chin though, like a brown patch. It could just be dirt, it could be blisters, I dunno. It’s only small. I can’t get him to stay still long enough to properly look. When I tried to restrain him he started to get stressed and had a bit of a hiss at me, then he started wheezing. I’ve been able to restrain him in the past but this time he just wasn’t having it.
Now I figured the cause of this could possibly be due to moisture in the vivarium. For you see, Monty loves his water bowl. I mean he loves it. Ever since I upgraded to a larger tank and accessories he’s been living it up in that water bowl. It’s not due to any health problems, he was splashing around in that thing day he got it because the last bowl he had he’d outgrown so he couldn’t fit in it. Now he can easily curl up in the bowl so he’s always in there, and I finally came to realise it is partly due to the fact he’s discovered he can suction up the side of the tank if he soaks himself first. He’s had this bowl for months and he’s in it all the time. Maybe also because he’s an Inland?
But anyway, because he loves his water so much he tends to get his vivarium trashed. Monty is the messiest snake you will ever meet, I’ve just cleaned his tank 20 minutes ago and I bet if I go out there now he’s in the process of destroying it. So could this issue that he’s having be due to the moisture in the tank? He does sometimes over flow the water bowl when he sits in it, and when he gets out he’s obviously still wet while he’s crawling around the tank. So his vivarium does tend to get pretty soaked and it’s a hassle. That is the only thing I can think of that could have caused this.
He has never had a feeding problem, he’s an incredibly good feeder in fact. He has never had a shedding problem, the last skin he shed was a few weeks ago now and it was absolutely perfect, it came off in one piece and there wasn’t a single tear in it, I just wanted to hang it up somewhere and admire it all day (but last time I did that my mother came around to help me clean one day and ended up accidentally sucking it up into the vacuum cleaner). He’s never had mites either.
Now I’m taking him into the shop tomorrow to get looked at, but I’d like to know if any of you have an idea of what I could do, what could be wrong, etc. I need some moral support so I don’t over stress (stressing is what I do best). I’d like to be able to take him in with a few ideas in my head.