My new 5-Bay snake enclosures

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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
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Karalee, SE QLD
After crusing the DIY section for a while, I really wanted to start building my own snake enclosures for my bigger 'babies'.
While bored one day, I sketched up the 5-bay draft, and then handed it over to dad to see what he would say - amazingly he said yes! :D
Late Nov 2010 We bought 15mm ply to start the build. We had the frame built, and then I couldn't get the funds together for a month or so. They sat there for a little while in dads' shed...
Just over a month later, the 2011 January floods came, and we tried saving the enclosures by putting them in the gazebo, but the water level came up a 'bit' higher than that :?:(.

I wasn't going to risk the snakes health by using the ply, as I had no idea what was in that water. Dad has some nice new shelving in his shed now :lol:

I wrote a letter to my local hardwares, and Mitre 10 very kindly donated all the ply wood, liquid nails, screws, etc. which helped out so so much!! A BIG SHOUT OUT TO MITRE 10 MT.OMMANY (QLD) FOR ALL THEIR HELP!!!

April 2011, dad & I started the re-build. Thank you to my dad - if it wasn't for all his help, these enclosures would still be a pile of ply wood in the back of my ute :lol:

After 6 and a half months, we have finally finished them, and now they're moved up into my room!

Measurements are -
Morelia enclosures - 3x 1500 x 600 x 600
spotted enclosures - 2x 900 x 600 x 600

Thank you to - Mitre 10 for all the building materials, Bunnings for the expanda-foam, hides, glass tracks, etc. Ikea & eBay for the lighting, JP Glass booval for the spotteds enclosure glass, Brilliant Prints for the perspex, Virides - Stylish Enclosure Enhancements for the door handles and the glass finger sliders, Ben from Stein Enclosures for the plants. and last, but definitely not least - MY AWESOME-TASTIC DAD!!!

Photos -

First build


Second & final build -










(I needed to finish off one of my spotted's enclosures before we headed to Cairns for two weeks, here's a rush job lol)


The rest of the building-










a couple of the new residents :)




Thank you for looking :)
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great job. hubbywill need to knock something like this up for our growing collection!

hey can you stand back and take a shot of the whole thing?
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heey mate that look stunning!! what did you use for the back feature is that just like the spray foam?

and what did you coat the outside with? :)
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Thanks for the lovely comments everyone :D I had a fun time building it, so did dad, but he came up with a few new words by the end of it :lol: as he says, he's not a finisher - he hates the jobs at the end to tidy up everything lol.

shea and ruby - thanks :) I will try, but as my room isn't that big (these have been measured to fit nicely in there haha) and my bed is a pain, it's a little hard, but I'm definitely trying to get a decent full shot :)

aussiejosh - thank you. I used styrofoam blocks and expanda foam. the ply has been stained with an outdoor deck stain, and then a spray-on varnish. the rock walls were grouted with 2-3 coats of grout, painted, and then sealed with pondtite. :)
:lol: I offered, Ash :p As long as you help! haha.
thelionking - yes & no; in some parts it was, just probably because we didn't have the right tools, or we cut/glued something wrong, but it all came together in the end. note - when building the structure, make sure you put the backing on straight away as well, so it doesn't twist/warp. that was a pain trying to get it back into line :/ The rock wall was probably the easiest bit, it just takes time.

Here is a shot of the whole bay :)
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Thats amazing trouble.
The full shot pic makes the bottom 3 bays look like one big one..looks great!
Thanks guys :)
Sel- now that you mention it, it does! Haha sweet.

Ash, keep dreamin'! Lol
Good to see our products on other peoples enclosures :)

Good work on the install, did the booklets help? looks like it :p

Overall the enclosures are very well done, the 2nd version with the better ply was definately the better choice. Nothing worse than CD Structural...
that looks great. congratulations. i love the feeling of finishing off a project.
Thanks, Jungleman & hurcorh :) it was a great feeling when it was completed and to see the snakes roaming around - awesome :D
Virides - They're great handles & finger sliders!! I definitely recommend them. The books definitely helped - you definitely don't want to touch the glue on the finger sliders - oh my goodness! that stuff is really really strong! Thank you for the lovely comments :)
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