My Spotted and its light

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Aug 19, 2009
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Hay guys
I got my spotted python about 2 weeks ago and i noticed he onyl came out at night, it stared getting at low temps for the night so i put a heat light in their however it was just a normal day one and to bright so it didnt come out of its cave at night the next day a brought a infared one and it was still to bright and it didnt come out so the day after that i went and brought a night light which has only the SLIGHTEST purple glow and it still doesnt seem to want to come out when their is a light on? please help because when i turn the light of and it comes out it become to cold.

should i just leave the lights on for it to get sued to it?
or should i remove its cave so it has to get used to it?
yes i have a heat mat but the whole tank gets cold at night so it needs a light
do you have a thermostat because with the light on it could be getting to hot
yep the light is at perfect temp sits around 80-85 Farenhight (30 degreed celcius) during the day and 75-80 during the night
your snake may not like the light whats the wattage of the bulb
like cold as it 65 deegrees farenhiehgt but with the light its hot the bulb is only 100 wat but it doesnt make the tank to hot for it not to handle because all the care sheets i have read say 85 degrrees farenheight and my tank it pritty big so i need 100. my snake is 8 months old?

should i just by a ceramic or will it eventually get used to it?
I recon it will get used to it its just a new thng for the snake so i recon he's hiding some where he knows is safe though over time he will prob gt used to it and readily come out.
My coastal was an emo little hermit and she had a LONG time to get used to the light, switched to a ceramic on a thermostat and she almost never uses her hide at all now. :D
Just quickly, you know Spotted's are nocturnal right? So naturally it's night time when they're out and about. Maybe he just doesn't like the light.

I've got a dimmer and I notice more activity from my Spotted the minute I dim the lights down in his room [don't use globes, I use a heat cord].
Hay guys
I got my spotted python about 2 weeks ago and i noticed he onyl came out at night, it stared getting at low temps for the night so i put a heat light in their however it was just a normal day one and to bright so it didnt come out of its cave at night the next day a brought a infared one and it was still to bright and it didnt come out so the day after that i went and brought a night light which has only the SLIGHTEST purple glow and it still doesnt seem to want to come out when their is a light on? please help because when i turn the light of and it comes out it become to cold.

should i just leave the lights on for it to get sued to it?
or should i remove its cave so it has to get used to it?

Brett, just like Ariande has said. Spotted pythons are nocturnal. They also love to hide in tight places, so you never really see them, unless feeding or handling them.
Dont leave the lights on. You want a day/night cycle. And dont remove the cave. Its his place to hide and he obviously feels safe in there.
If you provide a heated spot under his cave at night time with a heat mat or cord, it gives him a place to be warm at night. He can go explore his cage, and can come back and get warm when needed. (the whole cage doesnt have to be warm)
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