Hey, Jax. My yearling Bredli (Jagger, another toughie
) is acting much the same, and I'm of the opinion that he is nervous, not agro. When you're that little, everything's potentially out to get out, and when your teeth and attitude are your only defences, I guess I'd be inclined to use them, too! I had my guy's clutch mate before I got him, and that one was definitely AGRO!
I totally agree with schizmz on the handling, it's all about conditioning and them learning (albeit slowly) that being out and about with people is okay. The other thing I have found really works is instead of taking him out and just handling him, Jagger started to calm down and enjoy being out a lot more once I started taking him for 'walkies'! He loves cruising around on the grass outside, and exploring and perching on the fruit bowl when I'm in the kitchen, and while he still gets a bit snappy when I have to get him OUT of the fruit bowl or the trees outside, it seemed to help him relax with the idea of being out and having fun.
Good luck, I'm sure he'll settle and you'll have a great snake