Need help for cunninghams

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Not so new Member
Jun 2, 2009
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Hi my cunninghams have just had babys and i dont know what to do and is it unuasal for them to have one baby
i guess its normal just a small batch of babies. got any pics of it or the parents
its early into the victorian season for them to start popping out bubs,i assume u keep them indoors,the spiny tailed egernias cann have there babys over a few days so keep your eyes peeled as im sure more will appear,they dont have big litters(egernia)but cunninghams are one of the egernias that generally have a higher number of young per litter,up to 8,but 4 to is more common,there is always a chance of only one though,but normally you get slugs to(unfertilsed ova)best thing to do is just watch the female,and let nature take its course,congrats to,good luck
I thought that was early aswell. My cunninghams are kept outside and always have baies in late March (thats late though). Congratulations on the baby. As richardsc said they usually have 3-4 babies. One baby I dont think is that rare. A 2ft fish tank should be big enough for a while. Feed it insects, dog food or fruit & veggies.
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