Need to know somthing about my beardy?

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Not so new Member
Oct 16, 2008
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Brigdtown WA

I have a question about my bearded dragon Spiro. I was wondering if any one knows why my bearded dragon pushes his eye out and it goes all red i have checked for any problems but he appers to be fine. Does any one know why he dose this?

He doesn't sound fine...


EDIT: OK it seems that's normal. Didn't know that..
I have heard of that happening in beardies...not sure why though...someone may know.
does he pop both eyes? If so it's normal he is stretching the skin ready for shedding
Wow.. never heard of it before, sounds funky!
No probs Herpcrazzzy glad to be of help.
It's called eye bulging and is common and normal in beardies. Not much research has been able to show the exact reasons why they do this - but there are the plausible theories, like stretching before shedding, although I know of some keepers whose dragons have done it after a recent shed.
You don't usually see it, as if you notice, they usually pull their eyes back in if disturbed. It is only a problem if they stay that way for more than a hour or so, or they do it too often, which could possibly indicate problems with blood pressure.
But relax, it is just a bizarre, normal thing our lovable reptiles do.
Yeah my beardy does it some days regardless of a pre or post shed, as soon as he sees me at his tank he puts them back to normal, bizarre and ridiculous looking.
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