neighbours dog wont stop barking

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Just brick it! lol
No... im sure it might be worth asking other neighbours if they find it annoying as well. Then perhaps approach the owners and just ask them why the dog is barking. Real dogs eg(german sheps) dont usually bark at nothing.
Just brick it! lol

You beat me to it :lol:

Keep a diary for at least a couple of weeks, when it barks and what time etc..... that is prolly what the council/dog control would tell you to do, depending on state or territory. Knowing your where-abouts would be handy.

Send a registered letter to the neighbours politely informing them thier dog is being overly noisy and ask if there is any possibility they could get it to stop barking......

Then get a big scrubbie and throw it over the neighbours fence, after not feeding it for ages :shock::lol:
I couldn't agree more with Jeannine on this. The thing is they KNOW the dog is making a god-almighty racket all through the night, and clearly don't give a damn about it. Go straight to the council or cops and remove yourself from a potentially problem-fraught neighborhood dispute ;)
and if they come knocking asking if you reported them you can tell a white lie and say no but you can understand someone doing it because their dog is a bit of a nuisance especially at night ;)

never make yourself a target in the sites of what could well be a nutty neighbor (might be a nice one you just never know) because a nutter can make your and your childrens lives miserable and fearful and if they have kids too they could tell those kids you want to kill their dog which means those children will target your children

taking from experience here, have had a few nutter neighbors in my lifetime....back before we moved here the area we lived in had the old wooden paling type fences which were slowly being replaced with tin, when they were doing our fences and had taken down the old fence we sprayed to kill the weeds/grass and because everyone had dogs and cats we got something that would NOT hurt any animals, 'supposedly' the cat out the back got sick the next day and she tried to blame us for poisoning her quick call by me to the manufactures confirmed their product would NOT have poisoned the cat and asked us to ask them to get the vet to call the company, as we never heard anything anymore about it i guess either the cat wasnt really sick or it wasnt poisoned by the product...mind you at the time we had a mouse plague and just about every house had put bait down to kill them so its even possible the cat might have eaten a dead or sick mouse and she wasnt exactly a responsible owner anyway, she moved in with a few cats and one was a white female who use to come see me and had ALL her litters at my house in the end the cat just never went home again lol
My sister had complaints put in over her rottie barking on and off through the night. Council ended up coming out and gave them the ultimatum of shut dog up or fines. Set up a camera in the house to watch the backyard and ended up being cats walking across the fence in a section of the yard the dog couldn't get to. Next night they have the dog full run of the yard and problem rectified itself within an hour of darkness
You could do what I did once..... I tape recorded the barking and played it on the stereo really loud, with the speakers strategically aimed at the dog owners house (bedroom window to be fair) see how they like it :lol:

Or you can get a silent dog whistle and connect it to a compressor and give the dog something to bark about Bbbwwwwwahahahahahehehehehe :evil:
Some people are a bit too quick with the complaint letters :p I have got a new puppy and for the fist 2 weeks he was coming to work with me, or wherever I was going, or there was someone home with him. He was always quiet with company and slept nicely beside my bed. The very first time I left him alone and went to the shops for an hour, I came home to an anonymous note saying my dog was ruining someone's life! Perhaps they were confusing me with someone else as there are a lot of dogs in the area. I thought that was a bit extreme though for a 10 week old puppy that was just learning to be alone, for the first time LOL.

I would have appreciated contact details so I could have spoken with the person to say that I was teaching my puppy that it was OK to be alone in the yard, in short time frames, occasionally during the day, and he is a fast learner. He is 14 weeks old now and has been perfect alone for a few weeks now :)

I do have a citronella bark collar for him though because the yappy maltese ****su dog next door was barking at him non stop, and although Zeke (my pup) mainly ignored the yapper, the few times he didn't he was rather loud (great dane) :p The collar has stopped him developing any bad habits.

Before I got my pup, that yappie dog used to come under my fence and bark at me doing things in my house! He doesn't enter any more haha.

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There have been some helpful comments here, and some stupid comments from people who just like to see their post numbers go up.

The thing to do in a situation like this is NEVER attempt "to do the right thing" with unknown neighbours. NEVER identify yourself as the complainant. ALWAYS seek the intervention of a third party (in this case the council ranger) to deal with your complaints about dogs, ESPECIALLY if you have dogs yourself. To attempt to resolve an issue like this by being "nice" to people whose reaction you can't predict is just asking for trouble, and may well start an escalating feud. DON'T EVEN TELL YOUR OTHER NEIGHBOURS THAT YOU HAVE LODGED A COMPLAINT - word "gets around"

I'm a dog owner, and I would always like to think that I'm approachable in the event of a problem with them, but not everyone is like me. Let the council deal with it.

I agree with Jamie. Even though I personally would have liked contact details because I would have liked to have a friendly chat, and consider myself to be thoughtful of other people's feelings, I know some crazy people with a sense of entitlement who would possibly become agressive over the threat of the council being involved down the track, and people telling them what to do. You just never know who you are dealing with and don't want to make yourself a target. As demonstrated in this thread, some people think they have a right to tamper with someone else's animals when things aren't going their way. You wouldn't want that to be practiced on you and your pets, by a disgruntled neighbour.

I do think an anonymous note would be polite though before seeking the council. Just in case they are rational people who would like a chance to fix things. Citronella collars are a fantastic training tool with instant results. Mine was only $50 on Ebay - "Barkmate". Perhaps give them a tip LOL.
You could do what I did once..... I tape recorded the barking and played it on the stereo really loud, with the speakers strategically aimed at the dog owners house (bedroom window to be fair) see how they like it :lol:

Haha when I had enough of my neighbours dog yapping, I used to perform very loud beat juggling sets on my decks using dog barking samples.
The neighbour on the other side was a drummer and when I had enough of him I'd use the MPC to tap out the same beat he was playing but slightly out of time to muck him up.
Maybe..... just man up and go to the dogs owner and say thier dog is making a noise issue.... ask if they can suggest any ways it could be quietened down..... offer any of your suggestions? It is called communication ;)
Haha when I had enough of my neighbours dog yapping, I used to perform very loud beat juggling sets on my decks using dog barking samples.
The neighbour on the other side was a drummer and when I had enough of him I'd use the MPC to tap out the same beat he was playing but slightly out of time to muck him up.

but drummers are 'real' musicians!!!.... lol

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Is it illegal to just shoot it that's what I'd do man up and bang-flop it

Not really a dog person huh?? lol :)

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Call me weird but i actually like dogs barking... At least someone is on the look out!? :)
Some people are a bit too quick with the complaint letters :p I have got a new puppy and for the fist 2 weeks he was coming to work with me, or wherever I was going, or there was someone home with him. He was always quiet with company and slept nicely beside my bed. The very first time I left him alone and went to the shops for an hour, I came home to an anonymous note saying my dog was ruining someone's life! Perhaps they were confusing me with someone else as there are a lot of dogs in the area. I thought that was a bit extreme though for a 10 week old puppy that was just learning to be alone, for the first time LOL.

I would have appreciated contact details so I could have spoken with the person to say that I was teaching my puppy that it was OK to be alone in the yard, in short time frames, occasionally during the day, and he is a fast learner. He is 14 weeks old now and has been perfect alone for a few weeks now :)

I do have a citronella bark collar for him though because the yappy maltese ****su dog next door was barking at him non stop, and although Zeke (my pup) mainly ignored the yapper, the few times he didn't he was rather loud (great dane) :p The collar has stopped him developing any bad habits.

Before I got my pup, that yappie dog used to come under my fence and bark at me doing things in my house! He doesn't enter any more haha.


thats one cute puppy
I am surrounded by yards with Dogs that bark on and off all day, as they take it in turns I cop it sweet and dont feel too guilty if mine lets the odd bark out. At night it is a different kettle of fish(for me) and luckily they are all good and you dont hear them :) I had a neighbour that had a roaming dog that used to set all my hunting dogs off by running up and down the fence of their 2 acre run at all hours of the night/early morn..... I got the neighbours number and used to ring them to come and collect their dog each time it woke me up lol they soon fixed the problem. I do agree with notifying council if other methods fail :)
Good luck
Revenge is sweet! Get a rooster :lol:

When the dog owner comes to complain.... say "Oh goodie.....your dog keeps me awake..... I was hoping my cock would keep you awake too" :shock::lol:
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