Nephrurus Wheeleri

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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I think most (more than 3/4) of the wheeleri in the US as with many but not all aussie species originated from smuggled animals. Out of interest is there an article on wheeleri being found in the NT? As for wheeleri in oz Im just saying as the species hasnt a well known background or history like other new species poeple will continue to question them.
I think it is healthy that we question them as this helps all of us get a better understanding of what the direction the hobby is going and also educates us about the what rules a regulations we face in our respective States. this site along with others helps us all to share our views and inspires us to search through some valuable and some not so valuble info and hopefully develop a great resource tool for all users and prospective users. there is no documentation of wheeleri in the NT that i can find i am just saying they may also occur there and be kept under a licenced situation.
I always wonder about new species coming into the trade and many eastern locality specific animals. Im not questioning that you didnt obtain them lawfully or that your supplier got them unlawfully but being that these animals are only found in WA, and reports from WA DEC (formerly CALM) state that no export permit has ever been issued from that state for any propose. IMO thats why ppl question their status, if say its intro was well known like Kimberley Rock Monitors no would q it. All the best with them.

I believe that in another thread ont his site, Dave from Pilbara Pythons states that he knew of such permit that had been austhorised/granted, can't remember exactly the details but I do remember him posting that he knew of one such permit. In a organization as big as WA DEC/CALM, I am sure not everyone knows what has ever happened there by every person, sometimes people just make statements because they think it is "more than likely" a permit had or hadn't been issued but hasn't bothered to look into it. The whole Wheeleri thing is a very suspicious area not because anyone is being accused or anything but because there are some many conflicting reports:)
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