New Album for Expo

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Very Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2003
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For those who attended the Expo in Sydney this weekend, I created an album for you to upload your pics if you wish.

It's under APS Gatherings in the Photo Gallery.

There are two sub-albums - Reptiles and People. If any of your photos don't fit either of those categories, just upload them to the top level of "Wildlife Spectacular - Darling Harbour Sep 2004".

And just in case you get lost - go here : and go into the first album.
Thanx lutzd.....i have already uploaded a few. At the show today i took over 100 photos.
But dont worry i wont be uploading all of them. Only the good ones.

Thanx again
just had a look at the album....should have gone... :cry:
I'll put some pics up soon, just gotta upload em, resize em and then work out how to put em into the gallery :roll: Oh and thanks hugsta for laying off on the fingerpainting jokes :lol: you know what species of flat footed lizard that is on you avtar...sweet looking
Marc, its a pygopus lepidopodus. Apparently they are now classed in the same family as geckos :eek:
AS GECKOS....sorry not having a shot at you....cant be I think they are still in Pygopodidae....that one you have is pritty
I'm not sure how to put it, but apparently they are very closely related to geckos.
yes that would be more like havent seen ones with those markings before
I was made an honarary japanese today! lol My cam paid for itself. Ive uploaded heaps, few were dodgy/blurred but most were pretty good i thought. :lol:
I have just added a few more herp piccies but still have some ppl ones to put up of some APS members.
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