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Not so new Member
Jul 7, 2009
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hi i have just purchaced a jungle python and i just wanted to know how many times a week should i be getting out a daily/ weekly?

What I advise is. Let it settle in first for a few weeks then make sure it continues to feed. After you have a few feeds into it then start handling it for a short period of time a couple of time a weeks.

At the end of the day it is up to you what you and your snake seem comfortable with.

Remember that excessive handling could cause undue stress to the snake.

Hope this helps.
I Never Handle mine , only Take out to clean
They seem to be more settled that way cheers

I agree 100% with Trent.
i only ever get mine out when changing there enclosure or feeding, and maybe for the odd photo. i have found them to be alot calmer due to leaving them alone. but this is just what works for me, everyone is different and everyone will have a opinion.
My animals seem to thrive with minimal handling.

Please remember reptiles are wild animals - not pets IMO
i got my first 6 month old jungle delivered by Pigfeet on Sat ( beautiful animal and such great value, tnx Chris) and I put him a 60 x 40 x 60 cm tall URS terrarium and he was real shy at first so I let him settle down a bit but today I put a fuzzy mice in there to test him and he ate it -wooohooo (most important).
the seller told me that he is a very placid snake ,handled almost daily so Ill give him a few days more and I plan to handle him 3 to 4 times a week, always monitoring how he reacts. if he's flighty then ill put him back but if he;s reasonably calm then ill go a few mins ,increasing more and more each time..

each snake is different so good luck with yours...(tnx again Pigfeet)
thanks heaps for your advice i was gettin it out for about 30 mns 1 hour a day it has only had 1 feed since ive had it will be giving it another 1 on the week end thanks 4 all ur help
I try and get mine out at least once a week, for about 20mins. The male is pretty cool about being handled, but the female is pretty snappy, last night she got me 6 times.
But the way I see it, persistance now should make her a better handler when she is older/bigger
There about 6 mths old
oh ok i wasnt sure if you where supposed 2 handle them every day or not i will get it out less . Do you feed yours in a seprate container or in the same tank??
Leave him alone for a few days just to settle in.

I personally handle mine almost every day between feeds ect, I found with mine that if I stop handling them for a week or so, when I go to take them out again I end up being striked at or bitten, even with my angelic bredli!

I feed mine in their 'tanks' because mine are housed seperately, but I've talked to people who take their snakes out of the enclosures into seperate tanks to feed even when the snakies are housed seperately, I guess it varies :)
I only ever handle my adult jungles when I have to.. cleaning, moving into tubs for feeding etc.. I have about 35-40 jungles and have only taken three jungle bites in about the last 5 years and all were my fault and I deserved to get bitten :D

I handle the hatchies and juvies a few times a week usually at feed times when I clean their tubs etc and to see how they are going..

the hatchie SXR lines have never even attempt to bite me.. the krauss lines usually have a go but once they ares sitting in your hand and dont feel threatened usually settle and are ok too.

I honestly dont think you need to handle your snake constantly to have it reasonably tame.
I do think though its the way you handle it that counts more..

If they are relaxed with you they are usually fine. Its usually only when they perceive you as a threat they get a little nervous and feisty.. So my advice is to just chill out and not hassle your snake/s too much unecessarily.. let them settle in and get used to you and the routines.. and they calm and settle on their own in most cases.
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