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I just got a little Stimson python.. He's pretty cool :) good luck, I hope you find your perfect buddy :)
childrens python, wont get big enough to eat your dog. mine sits with me in front of the tv or lap top. they grow to about 1.2m so they are not too large. and come in different colours/ morpg e.g ghost, rp, caramel ect

i own 2 and they are the best.
Just not a woma fan. Their head reminds me of a termite :p
The 2 bigger species in the Children's family appeal to me more in size & colors. If anyone has any other suggestions I don't know about, I'd love to hear them.
Maybe a stuffed one? Kmart sell them, available in many colours and sizes. Good to cuddle in bed with. After letting your snakes eat a 'friends' pets, you probably have nearly enough responsibility to look after one.

Make sure it's not flammable, though.
I want a Frilly too, so he can take on the monitor's cuddle role :p
I grew up with giant monitors & was taught to be wary of that powerful tail.
I see that snake ranch has Burmese colored spotteds. Is there anyone else with them too?

I recon a a centralian carpet and a bluey or a beardie for a lizard or a coastal carpet personally I like the pin stripe and the albinos for the carpets
I wont bother getting offended. Weren't my snakes or pets. I was there when it happened though.
I think carpets are too big. I want something under 1.5m
Everyone, please suggest breeders with Antaresia morphs. I know the snake ranch & southern cross but I'd love to check out a few more too, especially in Vic. Websites would be very helpful.
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I wont bother getting offended. Weren't my snakes or pets. I was there when it happened though.
I think carpets are too big. I want something under 1.5m
Everyone, please suggest breeders with Antaresia morphs. I know the snake ranch & southern cross but I'd love to check out a few more too, especially in Vic. Websites would be very helpful.

Check Out Amazing Amazon
I have :) spent a lot of time trawling the net.
Looking for people with striped & Burmese Macs & pinstripe/heavy red Wheatbelts or Pilbara Stimmies.
Yea can't help u there sorry haha if ur going to live in the Sydney area there's some expos coming up and u can have a look there

My sweety. Gonna miss these guys. Was just buying a Pied-had to cancel last minute :-(
What an adorable BP! I have friend in america who owns sixteen :p They are adorable 'pet rocks' :lol:

I would go for a spotted python if you are looking for the medium sized snake. They are adorable! I love my girl :D

(Oh, and welcome to the site and Australia!!!)
Do the first 4 grow less than 1.5m? What are these mt isa carpets? Are they genuine or a sales gimmick? Says they grow to 1.3m.
Hi :) the first 4 will definitely be over (probably well over) 1.5mt :)

Also, I don't know about the mt isa's, sorry.. Spotted, Stimmy and children's are the smaller ones.
Rough scale pythons are awesome. Big teeth though but mine has never bitten. Doesn't even strike out at food lol
The first snake that comes into my head that might sit still in bed with you would be a death adder, they aren't too cuddly though.

The majority of others tend to be much more active, even green tree pythons will move around a lot once off their perch - Theres nothing that really matches the personality of ball pythons in Aus that I can think of.

Oh and btw. Don't let the size of teeth scare you, people say a lot about it but seem to have no idea that the teeth of GTPs and roughies arent really that big, they may be bigger than other species of the same size but they aren't going to do major damage. The teeth are nothing like emerald tree boas, which are actually huge.
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