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Here is a pic of a spare tank that we have at home. The kids asked if they could decorate it and I said go for it.

They pinched Alice Springs sand from another tank, logs and water bowls from another and this is the result. Not too bad. I thought they did a great job and will for the back picture to finish it off.

They are puting their christmas money together to se what they can come up with as far a paying for their own animal.
Here is a pic of a spare tank that we have at home. The kids asked if they could decorate it and I said go for it.

They pinched Alice Springs sand from another tank, logs and water bowls from another and this is the result. Not too bad. I thought they did a great job and will for the back picture to finish it off.

They are puting their christmas money together to se what they can come up with as far a paying for their own animal.

if this was a vote my vote goes for shamous's kids. technically they would be on your licence though but still theirs. shamous how old are your little ones?

times ticking away, not too late to get your entrys in, only a little over a week until the winner is announced!!
if won they will be in the enclosure on the bottom temporarily for a day or so

because i am willing to spend my allowance and some of my money from my bank account to decorate the enclosure on the top and buy heat lamps etc. for this cage i built last weekend...(with help from dad)... i still have two snap in vents to put in tonight...i want to put some plants big rocks and desert sand in the bottom.

sorry about the size i dont know how to make them smaller
they will be in my enclosure temporarly also, building a 4x2x2 atm with a basking rock in the middle with a basking light down on it and a ceramic at the end also a UVB flouro... designing it just for lizards
only a couple of days until the winner is picked, its still not too us ya cages!!

helps give ideas to others as well!!
i can try, but im not interested in jackies atm, i was just trying to stir a few of the contestants and have some fun :) good luck with the comp guys
C'mon ppl, there has to be more cages out there!! These guys are as easy to keep as a bearded dragon!! in some ways easier as they don't need to be kept as warm!!

They are really starting to show their personalities, the one pictured below often arm waves at me when he knows he is going to be fed, he is a little dark atm, because i took him out of the cage to get a photo of him, but usually he is a grey to brown colour.......

show us your cage!! after all who could resist this little critter!!

comp will close saturday night at 8pm, winner will then be notified, don't be the one to miss out!!

for those who have troubles posting pics, you can email them to me at [email protected] and i can attach them for you.
its not much now but i did hav it set up but didnt end up getting any thing but will be put back to its former glory
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