newbie vegetarian

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firstly you have no idea what you are talking about....whales are mammals
and yes i am against whaling, i am an activist for :D

Yes but at a social level they are considered similar to fish, as they are ocean dwelling. Thats they are hunted the same as fish. Im not saying to change your ways, but i think your the one with the problem as you are judging everyone who eats meat. Im just having a friendly debate, im not the one calling people names. NO one said to change your 'ways' , just dont make everyone change theirs...:rolleyes:
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Your arguments don't make sense. It is not based on sound logic (please, I do philosophy and regularly study good arguments). I said that you're "eople whose arguments make no sense and seem to deprive humanity of yet more logic". Please don't take what I say out of context. I was not calling you that.

If you want more people to become like you (that is, vegetarian and morally superior), then I suggest you find some better reasoning other then "it is bad on an ethical and spiritual perspective" rather then acting like a teenager and not "giving a hoot about what people think". Believe it or not, but some people study these issues as a profession, and know a hell of a lot more then you do.

Your attitude is doing nothing for you, other then deterring others away from becoming vegetarian.

im not at all saying that i know as much as the philosophers. and also not saying that im superior to anyone!
and no i dont care if people become vegetarian or not, its their choice. quite frankly i dont care what other people think about this because IMO their reasoning is stupid and unethical. what better reasoning is there other than its unethical, that should be all it takes, and i doubt my opinion is deterring people from becoming vegos because 2 of my closest mates are now vegos, they have seen what crap this industry is and i hope you see it as well
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untouchables you are talking rubbish, and i am not saying to everyone to change their ways
also i never said to change your ways, be a vegetarian if you like, i tried it once.
But dont try and tell everyone not to eat meat. In the end we are just beast with big brains, We are designed to hunt, thats why we have hunting teeth, and frontal vision. If we were to purely eat vegetables why would our appendix be so small and insignificant?
untouchables you are talking rubbish, and i am not saying to everyone to change their ways

You may not have said to change our ways directly, but you did in an in direct manner by saying things such as that eating meat is unethical.
I'm afraid your age is showing, vinny. Your attitude since coming onto this thread has been nothing but insulting and insisting upon arrogance and ignorance. You have not looked at the wider issue here (including things such as the economical and social justification for factory farming), and where you have, you have failed to grasp the bigger points and instead focus on childish and insignificant points that mean nothing.

I think it's absolutely great that you're trying to do something to better the animals and environment, but I think you're going about it in the wrong manner. One of the biggest criteria for being able to debate ethics and philosophy is humility and the ability to see the flaws in your own arguments, and of course, to remain impersonal about it. You have insulted members of this forum, given a very nonchalant and rude attitude to those who understand the issues a little better than you do (as indicated by your responses), and have insisted that there is no greater alternative to your view then your own. Here is where you are wrong.

You do not go to the basis of why you think it is wrong. You do not question why it is unethical, why being unethical makes it wrong, etc., etc. Once you understand these, then you can start preaching to others (and that is what you have been doing, whether you know it or not). Until then, you're only appearing to be an uneducated fool.

As I previously suggested, perhaps you should read some of Peter Singer's work. He is an excellent philosopher and a very clever thinker. I can even link his works on animal liberation and factory farming if you wish. This will, I hope, broaden your scope of thinking. Philosophy (as this is indeed philosophy) is extremely interesting. You are simply going about it the wrong way :)
not correct. Im Vego and i have been for more than a year now, i did an ethics assignment on it in year 11 and made my up my decisoin from there. Fish don't have the same nervous system as say a cow or pig or any mammal for that matter, fish are in a different category and don't have the same nervous system to handle the pain as do cows etc.

a pig for example has the same intelligence of a 4 year old kid.....thats murder
what i dont get is people like phil and that other chick who worked in an abbatoir think its ok to eat meat, ofcourse they can have their own opinoins but they are narrow minded.
eating meat is so fu**ed up! you can get your nutrients from other vegetables and sources.. infact there have been several studies prove that eating meat is prone to causing many severe health issues...not only this but it screws the environment and like the chick who started this thread contributes to fu**ing 3rd world countries up-creating more poverty...GREAT just what we need

why should you have to eat meat then? because it tastes good?? give your self an uppercut.
people are so ignorant that they think eating meat is what we are designed to do?? are you kidding me? god didnt create animals to be eaten. he said "i give you these seeds to grow your food" or something along that meaning not "here take these cows and eat them they taste bloody good!"

why should we be the ones to decide to eat meat?
think about the bad karma you bring yourself!!??

since ive been vego i have had ALOT of good karma, its great for the environment and great for your body! get protein from beans, lentils, etc etc
iron from mushrooms spinach etc etc
there is an abundance of foods you can eat to supplement the nutrients in meat!

excuse me but i know a bloke who works in an abbatoir and he tells me for a fact that the animals are treated like ****!
he told me that often the gun that the cows are hit with through the head often miss and they are left alive for a few minutes untill they shoot it again with the pressure gun. once they are killed they rip the eyes out chop the legs off rip open the stomach and pull the guts out-is that really how we should be treating other living things??

paul mcartney said "if abbatoirs has glass windows everyone would be vego"
what happened to the days of the hippies where everyone was vego?
such a peacful place. so really the question still stands...


is it just because it tastes good? how about you have a think about what effects it has on the world and yourself.


Last year I had some rather nasty health problems, and after several consulations with a nutritionist, I'm on my way to being relatively healthy :D During our chat time, she told me that the human body was designed with specific needs that need to be filled on a daily basis.

Our teeth are designed for the process of chewing/cutting flesh, while our molars are designed (much like herbavors) to deal with leafy greens. There are valuable minerals, vitamins and supplements to be found in both, but when it comes down to it, eating meat is "natural" occurance. We are omnivorous by nature. How is that a bad thing?

I'm not saying vegetarians are wrong by any means - I even considered it for the dietary reasons once (red meats were making me feel ill - that's been fixed though with a major overhaul to my diet). The right balance with nuts, fruits, lentils, and greens can be just as beneficial :D Choosing that lifestyle choice should be made with a great deal of consideration. A friend's mother put her on a vegan diet that had been poorly researched, and as a result, she's a frail little thing who got no where NEAR the right amount of nutrients she needed while growing up.

As for the slaughtering issues - read up on Australian Trading Practices. I'm not going to go any further then that, because I've dealt with people like you too often to say anything more then "Google it" now.

You're the type of vegetarian that gives others a bad name. The type that spouts moralisitic jargon in an attempt to make us all feel bad about ourselves. Instead of highlighting the major draws and leaving people with that, you have to bag their way of life in an attempt to feel more secure about your choice.

all the poor girl asked for was for recipes and now she gets all this bicker .... ahhhhhhhhhhh
ARGH its people like this that give us vegos a bad name. if that’s your opinion keep it to yourself. if people choose to eat meat that’s up to them. Do you enjoy Mormons coming and trying to sell their religion? Your trying to force your views onto other people and failing miserably. Its good that you have made the choice for yourself but leave others be. It’s no use bickering over whose side is right honestly I think there’s valid points to both sides. It’s a personal life style choice there is no right or wrong thing. Yes the meat industry produces a lot of emissions but as will your kombi

//end rant
Your arguments about stop eating meat ..for the sake of the enviroment and the cruelty of animals ...well if this went ahead ..and not a cow was touched nor a sheep or pig, goat, camel ,chook ,duck or turkey ....In this country alone ,the amount of domesticated farming animals alone is huge what happens to these animals ? they continue to breed ,they continue to roam free as you seem to want for them and they squeeze out all our native animals eat their food ..what are your suggestions to do with all these animals if we are to all give up meat ...? you dont mind arguing your point but how do you solve all the unwanted meat left over from your ideas?
i am sorry if i offended anyone, im very passionate about this topic and got worked up last night very easily.

i am sorry if i offended anyone, im very passionate about this topic and got worked up last night very easily.


Thats alright mate, atleast you didn't come back on for round to. Just be a bit more mindful next time.
I know what you mean i can get passionate also. I have a great interest in the environment and wildlife. I have even sent an application for Environmental science and management at uni neext year
I know that this thread stopped a little while ago but would just like to add a few things. I am vegetarian. I do not eat eggs or very much dairy. I have had a child and throughout that pregnancy had no problems with lack of nutrients. On the contrary i have an above average level of iron even through said pregnancy. While yes i agree that humans are omnivores i choose this life based on an ethical and health basis. While humans of long ago hunted and gathered for there food i believe this diet was fine. They were extremely active and it would have been highly unlikely that humans fed on meat every day. For the society of today where the meat industry is impacting so greatly on environmental, health and ethical issues i do not believe it is an approriate diet. This is only my opinion. You have your own.

But please if you call yourself vegetarian, do not consume chicken and fish. By doing so you are giving the greater community the wrong idea. A vegetarian does not eat animal meat products. I am sick of asking for a vegetarian option on a menu and being told they have chicken or fish. Good luck if you have decided to become vegetarian. I find it a highly fulfilling lifestyle. There are many, many different delicious dishes available.
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