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New Member
Aug 13, 2012
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Dalby, Queensland, Australia
Hi Guys, im new to the whole reptile pet scene, ive always liked snakes and have recently been reading into it. what i was wanting to know was what is all the equipment i need to get started and how much it roughly costs. I want to get it all ready before i look for one.

Any info would be appreciated!

Thanks =]

First of all you need to find out the licensing requirements in your state. In SA you don't need a license to keep one animal off the list but you can't sell, breed or otherwise dispose of it without permission.
Reptiles can cost anywhere from $50 ( cheap dragon hatchling ) to many thousands ( Green tree pythons, albinos etc .)
Enclosures can be anything from a click-clack plastic container costing around $10-$20 up to a custom built enclosure from someone like Steins enclosures costing thousands.
Heating can be as simple as a heat cord with a ceramic tile, a heat mat/pad or globes/ ceramic emitters or reptile specific radiant heat panels. This can cost anywhere from $20-$250.
You may or may not decide to use a thermostat, cheap off eBay $30ish up to around $180 - $250 for a microclimate or habistat depending on model.
Then there is lighting and if you keep dragons the need for UV tubes.
When this is all sorted there is water bowls, hides, substrate and cage furniture to consider.
Also there are the associated costs of food and electricity to take into account, plus the yearly license fee.
What you need to do is find out what you can keep in your state, decide what you want to keep and it's husbandry requirements.
The first step in this hobby is research and plenty of it, don't be afraid to ask questions however stupid they seem, no one was born a reptile keeping expert.
Hope this helps .
Gday mate I started out about 4 months ago I bought a bredli hatchling and had an old small tv cabinet that I found in council clean up couple of lights heat mat thermostat cost me about $550 all up including snake so not much at all just look around on eBay heaps of bargains to be found for your lighting and enclosure just convert cabinets yourself it's not that hard the more you do the more you feel rewarded its a great feeling good luck with everything hey it's great fun keeping reptiles in a space of 4 months I now have 1python and 2 snakes lol good luck enjoy it
I wish there were more people like you. I'm glad you are willing to do the proper reasearch first. Like BigJoe said research is key. Reptiles are not hard to keep as long as you know the proper husbandry for your reptile. Whenever I get free time I read about reptiles. I have been at it for over 16 years, almost every day I learn something new. Also every person who keeps reptiles were just as nieve as you are.(not an insult.) Like he also said there is no such thing as a "stupid" question if your a beginner. The only stupid thing you can do is not ask questions and assume things. We are all more hen happy to answer any questions.
Thanks for the info guys! im willing to spend money to get a decent enclosure for the snake (when i actually get one). wanna make sure to do it as right as i can to start off with so all the info i can get helps, =]

ive been reading as much as i can whenever i get free time, and im starting to pick some stuff up. not gonna rush into anything. im just gonna read as much as i can this year, get my enclosure ready, then look for snake early next year once ive gained a bit more knowledge.

this year has been the only time i could have a snake due to parents not wanting one in their house. lol and then me living with friends which party a lot so didnt wanna get one then :p

What would be the best size enclosure to start off with? i want to get a hatchy and i dont wanna get something too big or too small!

so once again any info is awesome! thanks guys!
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my bredli almost 8 months old and 95cm long he is in an enclosure that is 65cmx48cmx48cm ive read that as long as your enclosure is big enough for him to stretch out half his body it will be fine so mine will be ok in this for another couple of months yet my enclosure 65cm so im thinking he will be ok till he is about 130cm long this is what ive read anyway.good luck they are very addictive though so be careful lol.p.s BREDLI'S ARE THE BEST....
It would be worth borrowing this book from the library or buying online or from a book store.

"Keeping and breeding australian pythons" edited by Mike Swan

this book should answer the majority of the questions you have about what you need and how to take care of a python. There are also books on lizards and turtles if you are interested in that or a general book on all reptiles (care of australian reptiles in captivity by john weigel). Most pet shops (that have reptiles) also have small guides on more popular species which are cheaper if money is an issue (it is for me, luckily my uni library has all the books so i can borrow them) but you do need to have an idea of what reptile you want.
I agree with Smiley, they are addictive! I just love an excuse to go visit the reptile shops here in Adelaide and I'm always reading about them and checking what's available and stuff. But I must say Id recommend a Stimsons as a first snake. Bredlis get pretty big although they are very pretty and generally have nice temperaments. Stimsons on the other hand get around 1m and dont require a large set up, as do other anteresia. So they dont take up so much space and the setup doesnt cost as much if your going to buy it rather than build. Hatchies can start off in a click clack. Because Stimsons dont grow as big theyll last in a click clack longer. But, I must add that when I first got my Stimsons, she was kept in the tank that she lives in now. Its 80 cm long, 45 deep and 60 tall. Small snakes feel insecure in large enclosures so I put in a 3d background and covered the sides in a nice desert flat background to match the red rock wall, and put in plenty of hides and stufff to make the enclosure less open, and she was perfectly happy.
The size was the ONLY thing that put me off a Bredli, so if you don't mind that, I wouldnt cross them off the possibilities yet :)
Queensland DERM has specified in its 'code of practice: Captive reptiles and amphibians husbandry' Code of practice: Captive reptile and amphibian husbandry
about the minimum conditions for keeping reptiles. It tells you the minimum size for an enclosure but it depends on the size of the snake, the length of the enclosure should be at least 50% of the length of the snake.

I also thought if you are still deciding about which snake to get that this article by Doc Rock might help you decide. article: "road testing"


  • code of practice; reptiles and amphibian husbandry.pdf
    252.3 KB · Views: 15
  • road_testing_lr.pdf
    1.6 MB · Views: 20
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Having an enclosure that is 75% of the length of the snake is a bit overkill I think (A 2.1 Metre long enclosure for an adult Bredli really is a bit too much. Naturally the bigger the enclosure the better (for adult snakes) but as long as the snake has something around 50% of their length, with enough depth and height to move or climb (depending on the breed) it's something that is certainly adjustable.

Remember in reality, many breeders keep their pythons in racks and tubs with absolutely no issues, it's just a guide for size.

You don't have to worry about an enclosure first up, and your enclosured can grow with whatever you decide to get (and if you end up with more reptiles you can sanitise and re-shuffle your enclosures according to who suits them best!)

One thing I think you should make VERY CLEAR to your housemates is that noone under ANY circumstances is to handle your reptile without your presence.

Good on you for asking questions early - that's how I built up my confidence. I have LOADS to learn and I don't think I'll ever stop reading (every experience or advice you come across can help you in some small way)

Can't wait to see what yuo choose!
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