night heating?

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Active Member
Aug 6, 2009
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Central Coast NSW
hey guys,

i was just wondering what would be the best type of heating for my 5 mth carpet python.
as he never basks in his light and just sleeps on the door frame all day, would it be better to get something like a caremic heat emmiter? i want something that will warm the whole enclosure as he is always finding different spots to sleep. i am keeping the light in there aswell to simulate daylight to keep it half natural for him. and what would be the best thing to heat the whole enclosure at night? thanks :)
i use infared globes or heat emmiters for heating. both work better with a dimming thermostat
infrared light is the best it lets you see what is going on with your snake as well as it wont bother your snake when it wants to rest but def put it on a dimming thermo

I found the best way is to get 80 t0 100 watt heat cord wrap into a snake like figure about 1/3 of the tank size place a ceramic tile over it then silicon around it to make it water proof in conjunction with a 150 watt red heat lamp, thermostat set at 33 to 35c. plug both into a power board then plug the power board into the thermo but get a dimming thermo not an on off 1. Also place the thermo probe 2cm above the floor in the middle of heated area
33-35 deg heat is way to much for a hatchie at max you want 32deg in your hot spoti keep mine at 30deg on a dimming thermo and i never have feed probs just make sure that there is a hot end and a cool end

The heat spot for my coastal carpet hatchling regularly exceeded 35C, and sometimes got to 40C. However, he was in a large glass enclosure set up.

You do not need to provide him with anything special. You must remember that you should never tell the snake what temperature it has to be at (as you would be doing with giving it special, extra heating). Simply provide it with its normal basking light (an infrared is better for night time, as it does not disturb the snake's day and night time cycle), and it will choose what it wants to be at.

Also, heating your snake too much (that is, not allowing it to cool down when it wants to), which you would be doing by heating the whole enclosure, causes a lot of stress for the snake. Some snakes cannot handle the stress and die. Always allow the snake to have a cool end.

It's quite simple. If it's too cold, it will move into the heat. If it's too warm, it will move away. Give it a large thermal gradient (the temperatures across the enclosure), and it will be fine. Even with an extremely cold cool end, as long as the heat spot remains consistent, there is no reason to worry :)
where is your enclosure ? in your room . if yes then id get a heat emitter rather then a infrared light as the light will keep u up all night lol..
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