Night Tiger vs Common Tree Snake

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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2007
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Mt Martha, Vic
Hey guys,
Ive been wanting a colubrid for quite a while now, not saying im getting one just yet but trying to make up my mind on which one to go for.
Im tossing up between a brown tree snake and a common tree snake. I had my mind pretty much 100% made up a few weeks ago on the common tree snake side, until yesterday, when i saw my first night tiger in real life. And it was pretty much the coolest snake ive seen, it was awesome.
So now im confused lol. Obviously they both have there ups and downs. The biggest problem i see at the moment is actually getting my hands on either of them.

I like the fact that the common tree snakes are so colorful and the biggest pro i can see is they are diurnal which would be awesome for a snake to be nice and active during the day. Ive heard some people can have problems with their feeding though, and obviously you gotta feed fish and some can be really fussy and what not.

The night tigers look mint, a lot nicer than the ordinary BTS, obviously nocturnal though but isnt really a biggy, eat rats/mice rather than fish. Im not fussed about their venom.

So can any one give me some input, who ever keeps both or at least one of?
Also some rough ideas of prices would be good too thanks.

I keep two Tree Snakes and I kept BTS a few years back.

A 12 year old can look after a BTS with no problems so thats a pro.
They are easier to get onto rodents than Tree Snakes but I wouldnt do that with Tree Snakes any way.
But the only pro I can see if feeding rodents.

Tree Snakes are very cool. Great to observe and every now and again handle.
Like you said they come a good array of colours and you should have no problems finding them down south if you look in the right places.

I bought my Golden Phase from Up Market Pets.

Yes they are "fussy" feeders in that they dont naturally eat rodents. Buy one thats feeding consistantly on fish or another food source. Once feeding you can start to get them feeding from your hand. My little SEQ Tree Snakes eats fish and AHG from my fingers and I'm working on the Golden Phase.

Another cool thing is that they come from extremely humid environmates (near frogs and fish) and you could add a water feature to the enclosure as well as live plants. I'm having a crack at that when I get back from holidays.

But yer I'd go with either, they are both awesome and great colours.
Its up to you. Dinural or Noctural really.
I have 4 night tigers, out of the 4 only one bites, they all eat no worries. They are great snakes to look at and they don't need the amount of food a highly active GTS needs.... they go for around $500 ish ea dep on quality of course, though most are WC from licenced collectors out of the NT and carry a few skin worms, scars ect..
Thanks heaps for your info guys. But unfortunately still didnt make my mind up..... seems im just gonna have to choose lol, or maybe invest in both at some point! haha.

Are they both quite active? Obviously one will be more so at night than the other.
Oh and Jason, you say you have one that bites, what is the bite like? Venom very noticable?
My Golden Phase just ate a gecko from tweezers :D
so yer Tree Snakes are pretty active all of day even untill about 7 at night.
I have lots of BTS and a night tiger and a few GTS .. the BTS / night tigers are eayer to handle.. the GTS are look and don't touch.. both are awesome snakes!

I want more :D
Cool thanks guys. Really looks like either are winners. Now ive just gotta find either for sale in vic!!!!!
very interesting thread, have been asking myself this very question over the last month or so. have noticed alot of keepers seem to keep multiple snakes together, is this correct? The "blue phase" gts look simply awesome but then so do night tigers...... decisions...
Ive read its a big no no like most snakes in regards to keeping them together, but maybe some experienced keepers can comment on that.
Oh and Jason, you say you have one that bites, what is the bite like? Venom very noticable?

I said one bites, not that I have been bitten lol, they strike pretty slow with plenty of warning, if you have have some handling skills then you should be able to avoid the pointy end for the most part...
I have a BTS that was a fantastic feeder and then for 6 months would only eat if I assist fed him (put the food item in his mouth and about 50% of the time he would actually swallow it). He has now just started eating rodents again but only if I scent them with chicken. For the most part he is a very calm snake but will bite for no reason and with no warning if I am holding him...he has to chew for any venom to get in, and for me it just stings for a while afterwards but the reactions are getting slightly worse each time so I try to avoid a bite as much as possible now, but like JasonL has said if you are wary and have handling skills the bites are easy to avoid (I just wasn't avoiding them lol).
They barely do anything during the day though as they are nocturnal unlike the Common Tree Snakes.
Ive read its a big no no like most snakes in regards to keeping them together, but maybe some experienced keepers can comment on that.

Na mate GTS are fine to keep together as long as they are all of the same size and in a nice big enclosure.. preferable out side where they belong in natural sunlight

My male Blue tree snake is great, hes a good handler and eats rodents with no ill affect. Hes now around 6ish years old. I also have a standard GTS and she is also a good handler and eats well on rodents
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