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That's why I'm going the lacey, if I get bitten, I want to look like a mangled pirate afterwards, and have a good story to tell. while I wave my hook around as I relay the tale....
That's why I'm going the lacey, if I get bitten, I want to look like a mangled pirate afterwards, and have a good story to tell. while I wave my hook around as I relay the tale....

About 20 years ago I took a yacht charter to Whitehaven in the Whitsundays
Everyone was told to leave the lizards alone
One idiot tried to pick one up
Had to drag a wetsuit onto him to stop the bleeding and get water police to run him through to Aerlie
102 stitches later he was ok
So dont worry so much about the teeth
Just watch those claws
Ripped him open like a can opener
Go for something that has less of a tendency to bite.

My Stimson Python, for instance, is the most placid animal I've come across. He has mistaken me for food and bitten me, but it feels like velcro
and only just breaks the skin.

Any snake may bite, it comes down to looking at the individual snake..

The most painful bite I've had is from my rats.. Far more painful..

Now THAT'S the kind of info I was hoping for :D Thanks Syner!
*Opens up another tab and starts search on Stimson's* Ah one of the children's pythons! I don't know why I didn't look up children's pythons before, as a kid I was always adament that when I grew up I would get one haha.
Just when I thought I was out.... They pull me back in!!! Now I feel like a ganster :p (Godfather reference for those who didn't get it hehe)

Bites like velcro, but just breaks the skin... You must use some heavy duty velcro lol! How old/how big is yours? I read that they reach about 1m in length so they'd need what, 3 or 4ft enclosure for full grown adult?

That's why I'm going the lacey, if I get bitten, I want to look like a mangled pirate afterwards, and have a good story to tell. while I wave my hook around as I relay the tale....​

Hahaha! Too funny :lol: That's alright for you as a guy but as a girl I could do without the mangled apendages or limbs thank you! :p (hey now if anyone was wondering about our genders due to our non-gender specific names, they will know lol :p)

Everyone was told to leave the lizards alone
One idiot tried to pick one up
Had to drag a wetsuit onto him to stop the bleeding and get water police to run him through to Aerlie
102 stitches later he was ok
So dont worry so much about the teeth
Just watch those claws
Ripped him open like a can opener

WOW! What kind of lizards were they?? That sounds nasty!!

That's why I'm going the lacey, if I get bitten, I want to look like a mangled pirate afterwards, and have a good story to tell. while I wave my hook around as I relay the tale....
Gather around me hearties, gather round hahaha
Yeah Longqi, I'd believe it! Seriously though I have 110% respect for large varanids and have no plans to end up in hospital from enforcing a daily lace monitor cuddle policy! I'm jsut really keen to give a lace monitor a good home and a good feed for a long time, and enjoy the company from a respectful distance.

Check this out from the master Kristen - A road test of common pythons by Dr Simon Stone (Doc Rock). You can't beat this man's advice as far as I'm concerned. Goes through the pros and cons that all beginners want to know. PDFs/road_testing_lr.pdf

Hey Kristen I consulted some of my text books, and I did manage to find one snake that will never bite you. Can be a stubborn feeder, though...

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LMAO Thanks Jesse! He looks perfect! I can take him with me everywhere I go and pat him whenever I like hahaha.

Thanks I'll have a read of that pdf soon! I should have known I could have come to you with all my questions, didn't even need to start my own thread hahaha.
Most welcome, please don't confuse me with being a herp expert, I am just an expert n00b, that's all!
Lace Monitors have been found to have mild venom in their gums that can make for a painful healing process. :)
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As long as its not a wild lace monitor with festering bacteria in its saliva haha.

@kristen Ive been preparing for a snake for a few months now and feel its been the longest most unbearable wait ever. I couldn't imagine waiting a whole year haha.
as a lot of people have said already, it comes down to the individual animal in the end, but some familys have more defensive tendencies, e.g. my first jungle python bit me many times over the first few months, but he was only a hatchy so it didn't hurt at all, but as the trust built up, he stopped biting (i expected this tho as i read keeping and breeding Australian reptiles before i brought one).

womas are generally reasonably docile, plus they look awesome. my woma has never even attempted a strike at me (probably cos he is soooooo lazy). My work colleague who volunteers at adelaide zoo says they have a woma python there they get out to show the kids, and it has been poked in the eye and all sorts by excited children, and it never reacts, just looks around interestedly
I had a cat for a month once, I would have been bitten hundreds of times in that month, including while I slept. I have never been bitten by a snake and only once has one of them tried to strike at me....

There are species that have tendencies to be more docile (woma's, stimpsons, pygmy's) however don't be fooled... I have met some very very nasty childrens before, and some very very very docile jungles. You can't pick temperament on species alone.
Thanks everyone for the ideas! I think I'll be going for geckos or possibly one or two of the smaller dragons and maybe hold-off on the snake buying for a few more years. If I do get a snake I'll probably go for one of the children's (would love a pygmy because its soooooo tiny! Don't like my chances of finding one though haha) and get it as a hatchling so I can ensure its raised how I want it to be and hopefully that will help build good temperament and trust. Then I can get used to being bitten when its a hatchling too so I'm less of a scaredy cat when it grows up :p

alrightknight - yeah its going to be a long wait!!! hahaha. I like doing all my research though. I've spent the last few months researching turtles but have decided to go for a non-aquatic species after all that research lol. The thing is though, it doesn't seem like there's nearly as many things to be aware of when keeping geckos compared to keeping turtles so I'll probably drive myself crazy over the next year lol! But I'm sure I'll find plenty of things to read up on...

Think I might go to one of those pet shops now that StellaDoore recommended and check out their herps, maybe grab some books or something :D
Now THAT'S the kind of info I was hoping for :D Thanks Syner!
*Opens up another tab and starts search on Stimson's* Ah one of the children's pythons! I don't know why I didn't look up children's pythons before, as a kid I was always adament that when I grew up I would get one haha.
Just when I thought I was out.... They pull me back in!!! Now I feel like a ganster :p (Godfather reference for those who didn't get it hehe)

Bites like velcro, but just breaks the skin... You must use some heavy duty velcro lol! How old/how big is yours? I read that they reach about 1m in length so they'd need what, 3 or 4ft enclosure for full grown adult?

My whole family are scared of snakes, but they're quite happy to hold my Stimson Python -- even my grandmother..
I haven't measured mine for a while, but I'd say he's around 90-100cm. The thickest part of his body is roughly between
the diameter of a 10 and 20 cent coin.

Mine's in a URS flat pack (MDF) enclosure - Mahogany 80 x 48 x 60cm. He seems happy enough.
In fact, he seems to spend all his time wrapped around the top of the Buddha statue I have.
It's funny, lately he's been spending a lot of time perched up like my jungle python..

See my gallery for pics. I'll take a couple of updated pics tonight showing his current size.
He looks similar now as to the current pics in my gallery. He isn't much thicker, just longer.

When I show people how placid he is, they're quite curious and happy to hold him. I've yet to come across anyone who has been
too scared to hold him.
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You'll never get an animal that won't bite

biggest load of trollop, i have had 2 snakes never bitten a beardy that's never bitten 2 dogs and 3 cats, and they have only ever playfully bitten which i would not even call a bite any way. and as Longgi pointed out they were coaxed via playing.

who's been bitten by an earth worm?
Ring some vets that deal with reptiles and get some advice from them they usaly have an info package too. And if there realy nice (most are) they may even give you some numbers of breeders in your area.
Get a hold of Greg maxwells book on the more complete chrondo, it has great advice on green tree pythons but alot of advice in there is good to know for any person keeping morelia species.
As for lizards i love the Central netteds there very active and fun to whatch. Easy to keep.
MY 2 Cents
Not Stimpson, but I named my Stimson Python Stimpy ;)
My whole family are scared of snakes, but they're quite happy to hold my Stimson Python -- even my grandmother..
I haven't measured mine for a while, but I'd say he's around 90-100cm. The thickest part of his body is roughly between
the diameter of a 10 and 20 cent coin.

I just had a look at your stimmie, he's gorgeous!!! Would love to see some pics of what he looks like now he's full grown. wow 10/20c coin in diameter - I had no idea they were so small! It would be hard to be scared of something that size haha.

I went to Upmarket Pets today and wanted to buy them out of all their herps lol. They had some hatchy children's pythons omg they were teenie! It should be illegal to show them like that, makes it very hard not to impulse buy :lol: (JK)

Tristan - LOL

i-snake, thanks :D

mic, that's a good idea! Thanks. Yeah I quite like the netteds too actually :D
2011-08-15 19.18.30.jpg2011-08-15 19.19.10.jpg2011-08-15 19.28.00.jpg2011-08-15 19.28.36.jpg

Just took these pics.. They're a bit washed out from flash, or tinted thanks to yellowish house lights, but hopefully
you get the idea. He's around 2 years old. I don't know / doubt if he'll get much bigger. Again, I haven't measured
him for ages.
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