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Don't agree with the method of killing, but understand why he did it.

People on this site will kill a snake to if it's threatening their children to, just we will be a bit more humane about it.
Don't agree with the method of killing, but understand why he did it.

People on this site will kill a snake to if it's threatening their children to, just we will be a bit more humane about it.

Damn Gillsy , your going to be about as unpopular as me with that sort of statement .LOL

Good on you for having the guts to be honest .

Cheers Jim
The bit where he cuts the guinea pig out of the snake is a bit creepy really... Did he think his kids needed a proper funeral for closure? I reckon the thought of seeing their pet after it had been cut out of a snake would be waaaay more distressing than knowing it had been eaten by a snake!

My 3yo daughter gets upset when she sees pics of frogs being eaten by snakes (she doesn't mind seeing mics and rats get eaten tho!) but I just explain the whole cycle of life to her, the frog has to die so the snake can eat food, but the frog eats flies so he can survive etc. I think this is a way healthier approach to death!

I'm with everyone else, acid was unneccesary and cruel...
Hmmm, what sort of mindset was he in to cut a friggin guinea pig out of the snake???

Answer- Cruel and unusual. Obviously he hated the snake because it ate his pet, the acid was a pre-meditated act and it was meant to hurt.

Oenpelli is the never,never, don't people that live out there understand the local wildlife?

A guinea pig for christ sake.

yea it doesnt quite sound normal for someone to find acid to spray on it and on top of that cut it open to get a guinea pig out... sounds a tad odd to me no normal person would do something like that
Originally Posted by slim6y View Post
Positive number one: He didn't use a gun to kill his family, I mean snake...

Slim6y's Answer: No one did, but look back through the news matey... A fellow killed his wife in Towoomba trying to shoot a snake - and that's not the first time it's happened!

Positive number two: You can now tell him how he can safely and cheaply remove any snake from the house - $50??? That's not too bad to save your family.

Slim6y's Answer: So a life of a native animal is worthless? So you're saying it's ok to kill an animal because you don't have $50 to remove it - man, life to you must be very cheap - either that or you don't value other lives at all. Personally I agree with Earthling - it should be free - but for $50 - I seriously doubt that a snake handler would turn down a free job if he knew that acid was going to be used to kill the snake.

Positive number three: It can't be a childrens python at 1.7m (can it???)

Slim6y's Answer - True... but wasn't it asked could have it been a children's python? So my answer was, most likely not at 1.7m - :) - Ok, so he didn't ask if it was, i just commented that it couldn't be :)

Negative number one: Household acids etc - unpleasant to say the least - far more dangerous to have in a house than a brown tree snake or python...

Slim6y's answer: No way, you try working with 10 mole per litre hydrochloric :) I'd face the taipan anyday, you'd possibly still have a chance!

On a side note - if the acid didn't kill the snake instantly there would be considerable discomfort - and that could make for a very angry snake - I believe that was the point I was trying to make, Subtle as it may be.

Do the right thing first - help family into safe location, call the appropriate authorities and have the snake safely removed for everyone's protection - an angry snake is a dangerous snake no matter what flavour they are!

Slim6y's answer: You mean to say you didn't agree on my previous points... oh dear.... :p

And I have children (or child) and I live in a supposed high density snake area (though I barely see them).

Slim6y's answer: It's ok, so have I :p
And I have a healthy fear of venomous snakes.
Have you ever protected with violence someone or something? If you have, you will understand that (without training) you will have reacted without thought. Pure emotion. You just do whatever is necesary. If that means pouring acid over your adversory, so be it. Do not underestimate the power of love in stopping all thought processess.

I still stand by what I said earlier, it was a cruel way of killing the snake and if I knew the person I would have reported them to the RSPCA. There are other ways of dealing with the situation and I think he just 'enjoyed' killing it the way he did. For god sake, if he had probably left the thing alone for an hour it would have left on it's own accord.
thats great earthling lets put more fear into the people that are plain ignorant about our snakes ..............
,you know people comment it could kill my kiddies ---well so could a wandering dog do you run out and spray that with acid? the chances of that snake actually biting your child and killing it are slim the chances of that child getting into daddys cupboard and drinking the acid IS HIGHER ring your local hospital and ask how many snake bites to kiddies to the ratio of kiddie poisoning from chemicals kept at home.....COMMONSENSE is all is needed when it comes to finding a snake in your backyard or house ............

I was going to say, if you do not have a good argument for John Citizen to not kill a snake after that TRUTH I wrote, Mmmmmmm...but you did! The more we can educate people on the truths of snakes in the environment the less afraid and the less shoveling will happen. That also means they will find out truths that are not so nice...thats life! Snakes are not always nice and nonthreatening if you leave them alone. Its not all roses and dew drops. But perhaps people can sleep at night knowing that on average, more people die from bee stings in Australia per year, then venomous snake bites. 10 times more people die from Horse related injuries. And what about road deaths? Its about people learning to use their brain, not their fear emotion. Education.

Regarding your Common Sense statement....havent you heard? As of today 'Common Sense' is no longer common. Its now called 'Uncommon Sense'.:D
I still stand by what I said earlier, it was a cruel way of killing the snake and if I knew the person I would have reported them to the RSPCA. There are other ways of dealing with the situation and I think he just 'enjoyed' killing it the way he did. For god sake, if he had probably left the thing alone for an hour it would have left on it's own accord.
Untill the Government rules that killing of snakes in any circumstances, including for the reason of protecting loved ones is illegal, snake deaths will continue to happen on a regular basis.
If a man can shoot and kill his wife for trying to protect them from a snake and escape charges, your man with the acid is home free.
Not trying to play hero , but not waiting an hour while i have an eastern brown at the front door .

Cheers Gordo

Do any of you people agreeing with killing any snake in your yard realise how alot of snake bites occur? It's form people trying to kill them.

Seriously those of you who have a service available to you, for gods sake use it! If there is no other option then do what you've got to do But seriously what's more important, upto an hour of your time and $50 or a few days in hospital feeling like utter crap with a several hundred dollar medical bill or worse.
This post has to be a gee up surely.
Why would they want info from a bunch of Herp lovers when they would be aware of the negative remarks that are obviously going to follow? The only info anyone can give him is to report his friend, and I don't think he is wanting to do this. Also acids are not available in pressure pack. They are a corrosive liquid which would eat through metal, in this case the can, so I doubt he used an acid at all. All acids are packed in plastic IBC's, mowsers or jerries for this exact reason. And I can't see why he would cut a guinea pig out of the snake even if it was a loved pet. If you were that afraid or sickened by the sight of a snake how could you cautiously disect one? Why go to the effort of spending time playing with the thing when you could dispose of it ASAP? Especially one covered in a chemical nasty such as an acid. And all the while have a 1 & 8 year old around? Not to mention that the poster claims to be an un-trained snake relocator lol

Sorry but I am not buying any of it hey.
This post has to be a gee up surely.
Why would they want info from a bunch of Herp lovers when they would be aware of the negative remarks that are obviously going to follow? The only info anyone can give him is to report his friend, and I don't think he is wanting to do this. Also acids are not available in pressure pack. They are a corrosive liquid which would eat through metal, in this case the can, so I doubt he used an acid at all. All acids are packed in plastic IBC's, mowsers or jerries for this exact reason. And I can't see why he would cut a guinea pig out of the snake even if it was a loved pet. If you were that afraid or sickened by the sight of a snake how could you cautiously disect one? Why go to the effort of spending time playing with the thing when you could dispose of it ASAP? Especially one covered in a chemical nasty such as an acid. And all the while have a 1 & 8 year old around? Not to mention that the poster claims to be an un-trained snake relocator lol

Sorry but I am not buying any of it hey.

yep, I agree, and people still get suck in to silly:D discussions like that.
Welcome to entertainment media. lol.
This post has to be a gee up surely.
Why would they want info from a bunch of Herp lovers when they would be aware of the negative remarks that are obviously going to follow? The only info anyone can give him is to report his friend, and I don't think he is wanting to do this. Also acids are not available in pressure pack. They are a corrosive liquid which would eat through metal, in this case the can, so I doubt he used an acid at all. All acids are packed in plastic IBC's, mowsers or jerries for this exact reason. And I can't see why he would cut a guinea pig out of the snake even if it was a loved pet. If you were that afraid or sickened by the sight of a snake how could you cautiously disect one? Why go to the effort of spending time playing with the thing when you could dispose of it ASAP? Especially one covered in a chemical nasty such as an acid. And all the while have a 1 & 8 year old around? Not to mention that the poster claims to be an un-trained snake relocator lol

Sorry but I am not buying any of it hey.

Brickies use acid to clean the bricks once they are laid.. in one of those plastic pump backpacks/bottles. the original post says nothing about a can at all.
uneducated scared father
unidentified snake
sad ending for the snake
education for the family.
thats all that needs to be said really

all you people bitching about it are acheiving nothing.
the man did what he THOUGHT he had to do
what you might feel is common sense is actually learnt through experience, and has become like second nature, so something YOU might not have to think about isnt always as obvious to someone else.
the man did what he THOUGHT he had to do

What rubbish. Who stops, gets a pressure pack, fills it with acid and then sprays the snake with it in order to kill it. It would have taken ages for the snake to die like that.

In my opinion the bloke is a gutless wonder. He has obvisously trapped it/caught it somehow then decided upon a cruel method to kill it to "punish it" for it taking a guinea pig (if there was actually a guinea pig).

Thinking about this one doesn't take too many brain cells. I guaruntee he had a shovel/stick/block of wood somewhere he could have clouted the poor thing.

I really don't give two ****'* for his using acid as a method of killing. It is a pathetic excuse for anyone to suggest "But he was protecting his family".


An angry acid covered snake.

When will you people who are sticking up for this clown going to get it into your skulls that he SHOULD be dobbed in to the RSPCA!!!

If the bloke who knows him is too gutless to do it. Forward me the details and I will do it. I have no qualms with it and I have a Qld inspector at the ready if someone gives me the details.


Oh, and as for quoting this message. Please make a point if you do.
I really don't give two ****'* for his using acid as a method of killing. It is a pathetic excuse for anyone to suggest "But he was protecting his family".
An angry acid covered snake.
When will you people who are sticking up for this clown going to get it into your skulls that he SHOULD be dobbed in to the RSPCA!!!
If the bloke who knows him is too gutless to do it. Forward me the details and I will do it. I have no qualms with it and I have a Qld inspector at the ready if someone gives me the details.


Oh, and as for quoting this message. Please make a point if you do.

See below

Untill the Government rules that killing of snakes in any circumstances, including for the reason of protecting loved ones is illegal, snake deaths will continue to happen on a regular basis.
If a man can shoot and kill his wife for trying to protect them from a snake and escape charges, your man with the acid is home free.
Maybe we should throw Bad Language (warning given acid at this guy. I mean really I understand protect the kids, but really just stay away and let it do its thing. Or just call a professional. If he HAD to kill it maybe a shovel to the neck or something, but I wouldnt kill it in the 1st Place.
Firstly Amazonian if your going to call me a liar be straight about it and post it to me (pm me and I will tell you where to go).
Slateman the same to you, pretty poor for an administrator ( here comes an infraction notice but stuff it). My aim was not to try and get as much negative comments possible, if I wanted that I would of posted a thread saying im cross breading. wake up.

Some people disagree with what happened, you think I liked the outcome? get a life please.
As critisised earlier I am not certified catcher (I freely admit it) but who here wants more unecesary snake kills if it can be avioded. I want to do the course but it is not held in darwin so I have to wait for holidays to another state.

2ndly I was wanting to see if there was a python that was not listed in my book that would fit that description.
3rdly the guy is european and a bricky / tiler (I too was wondering how he got acid).
Firstly Amazonian if your going to call me a liar be straight about it and post it to me (pm me and I will tell you where to go).
Slateman the same to you, pretty poor for an administrator ( here comes an infraction notice but stuff it). My aim was not to try and get as much negative comments possible, if I wanted that I would of posted a thread saying im cross breading. wake up.

Some people disagree with what happened, you think I liked the outcome? get a life please.
As critisised earlier I am not certified catcher (I freely admit it) but who here wants more unecesary snake kills if it can be avioded. I want to do the course but it is not held in darwin so I have to wait for holidays to another state.

2ndly I was wanting to see if there was a python that was not listed in my book that would fit that description.
3rdly the guy is european and a bricky / tiler (I too was wondering how he got acid).

Beano - You shouldn't get an infraction for your constructive criticism - I personally think most people will go over the top when they hear about any 'torture' case.

I'm not really one to give advice (bahahaha) but... Maybe if you were after identification of the snake, perhaps 'bend the story' just slightly so people won't get 'up you' in regards to this.

Unfortunately the internet is such a large place with maybe millions of experts in millions of fields (quite often the same expert can be an expert in a couple of hundred fields alone).

So if you hadn't already expected the outcome that has occurred here then perhaps for future reference you'll know how people react very quickly to any comments made.

I still can't help you with the identification other than maybe olive python, water python, low patterned BTS (though they're pretty distinctive in their heads)... Certainly an upsetting moment regardless of the snake, but worse still if it was an oenpelli.

Either way, good luck in helping your friend overcome his fear and helping him understand that he can keep his family safer without the use of acids (or any chemicals for that matter) and just how unpleasant for the snake that would have been.
Firstly Amazonian if your going to call me a liar be straight about it and post it to me (pm me and I will tell you where to go).
Slateman the same to you, pretty poor for an administrator ( here comes an infraction notice but stuff it). My aim was not to try and get as much negative comments possible, if I wanted that I would of posted a thread saying im cross breading. wake up.

Some people disagree with what happened, you think I liked the outcome? get a life please.
As critisised earlier I am not certified catcher (I freely admit it) but who here wants more unecesary snake kills if it can be avioded. I want to do the course but it is not held in darwin so I have to wait for holidays to another state.

2ndly I was wanting to see if there was a python that was not listed in my book that would fit that description.
3rdly the guy is european and a bricky / tiler (I too was wondering how he got acid).

Your offended that I don't believe you?
Before you get narky let me explain myself.

1. Brickies use a diluted hydrochloric acid which is used as a cleaning agent but does not corrode flesh etc like sulphuric acid. Hydrochloric has little effect when in contact even when un-diluted. Infact if you have heard of the snowtown murders (bodies in the barrels) you will know this acid will only preserve flesh, carotin etc. brickies hand wash there tools in the same stuff with no effect. So it is hard to believe that it was unidentifiable.

2. As he was home I doubt he was working at the time therefore he would of had to go out to the garage or shed to locate the spray unit, charge it up if it wasn't already (pump action) then go to the location of the snake in order to spray it. If he was protecting his family why would he let it out of his sight while he mucked around looking for a nasty way to torture it. So it is hard to believe he was just protecting his family. Sounds more like a sick torture fetish.

3. If you relocate snakes as you say, you should be aware which species are common in your area. Being sprayed with hydrochloric would of had little effect on its appearance, especially in the short term. Of course being uneducated could have an effect on your ability to identify the species and this would explain above circumstances.

Just my opinions.
No offence intended towards you, but this story is way out there and bizarre.
So of course some of us will find it unbelievable. It could be true in which case your friend needs 10 shades of crap kicked out of him.
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as usual ignorance is played up to the nines ,,,,,,,,,,so would you agree if a person found someone threatning to look at and he/she might hurt or even kill your family because he/she is in your yard and cant tell you what their up too cause they dont speak your language would it justify you throwing acid at them??? seems ridiculous dont it .well to me so does throwing acid at the snake that is stuck in the cage obviously it cant get out due to the fat gut so he had plenty of time to get someone to come and look at it instead he chose the hero way and KILLED IT but he didnt even do that humanly which would of been better for all concerned especially the snake educate him would be best beano tell him his motifs for killing that snake was wrong he had plenty of time to call you so you could of caught it etc question to you beano is what would have you done had he left it alive and it turned out to be a BROWN snake how would have you handled that situation yourself ? and in NT are you aloud to relocate reps without a license?............EARTHLING I was only having a joke about the bed thing with you lol yes the sad thing is commonsense is very lacking in our society these days and its just not with animals our children are affected and it seems odd that people dont think 1st anymore they seem to shoot 1st then ask questions later and sadly pay the consequences alas like the poor sod in Toowoomba that shot his wife dead over a python advice to any one that would do the same thing is THINK BEFORE YOU ACT!!
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