because technically gavin is selling or having a presale of these animals at 15k, so yes a return for a sale is expected. i understand he needs to help fund his search but if he had asked for a 15k donation then returns wouldn't be as big an issue. he could then sort something out with those people down the road when things have been established. how many of these people purchasing these animals for 15k would be doing it if they couldn't get a pair down the road? if someone is in it for conservation purposes then why aren't they refusing the pair and just donating the 15k? why snakes? why not some endangered frog or lizard? these snakes are rare but there is no proof they are endangered and yes cane toads may become an issue but so far they have hurt numbers of snakes elsewhere but they haven't decimated an entire population of a snake species yet.
Now you're not only questioning the motives of Gavin but also questioning the motives of prospective buyers.
As for questioning why this species and not another. That is stupid defetist attitude, we will always find another species that could use a helping hand, that does not mean that this species isn't deserving of being insured in by captive populations. That is not a good reason for doing nothing. You are also forgetting the rest of the information that will be collected on the West Arnhem stone country's biodiversity.
And they are listed as vulnerable, what is the point in waiting until they are endangered or worse? I can give you a reference for that info if you like.
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