Oenpelli Pythons

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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Gold Coast
i was just wondering if oenpelli pythons were available to buy anywhere in australia, if so does anyone know who may breed them. i find that they are a very facinating snake in the way that their night time colour differs from their daytime colour, very unusual creatures.

not looking to buy... at this stage just interested to see if anyone keeps them and has been able to successfully breed the species.
The last I heard, the only ones still in captivity are in some wildlife park in the Northern Territory.
Territory Wildlife Park in Berry Springs, around 100km south of Darwin.

Graeme Gow wanted to get some (and would have been one of the few people able to) but I don't think he got around to it.


they where bred in captivity over 20 plus years ago in fnq but unfortunatly the epa as usual had other ideas. Good work to the herp that did it considering no park did it for a long time after.

I was extremely dissapointed as i went to the TWP to see them recentley and they were off display. ahhhh

I should of rang first
they are under the control of the indigenous land holders. Before anyone can obtain them (legally) they must get permission from them (an expensive and time consuming endeavor). NT park and wildlife was in negotiation with them a few years ago trying to establish a breeding program. ??? wait patiently is all that i can say. And expect to help NT pws recoup their outlay in the purchase price when and if they do become available $$$$$$+++
I would not expect them to become available for the next 10 years or so. The NT PWS and govt are still really bitter about what went on with blondie, so i think you will find that the nt govt will either be re releasing all of the hatchies back to the wild to replenish wild stock or will be hoarding them for as long as possible to keep them away from breeders.
thats really interesting i have never heard of any activity with these guy in captivity it would be great if ordinary people like u and i could breed these guys even if it were purely to replenish numbers in the wild. i would love to be able to do my part in the conservation of such a beautiful creature. well i guess time will tell who knows what will become available over the next decade. i will have to check out that park in NT planning a road trip so that might be the way to go... just bought myself a camper van. :D
i should add that everything i have said is NOT fact and is purely sp[eculation on my behalf from anecdotal reports that i have heard from friends/aquaintences.
The Territory Wildlife Park obtained permission and permits to collect Oenpellis years ago, but still "haven't got around to it". I spoke to a couple of their staff and was told that it was too difficult to find them and that they were trying, but several years later that excuse has worn extremely thin and it seems clear that for one reason or another, or several, they actually don't want to breed them. I know two non herp people who have found them by accident while running around Kakadu as non herp inclined tourists with cameras. It is quite funny to have someone who knows nothing about reptiles say "I saw a snake and took a picture, would you like to see it?" and then see a photograph of an Oenpelli!

Releasing captive bred babies into the wild will cause much, much more harm than good. Generally speaking, the only time it is a good idea to release babies into the wild is when the population has declined for some reason and that factor has permanently been removed (or, very rarely, when you want to start up a new population). This is certainly not the case with Oenpelli Pythons and it isn't right for us to be releasing animals to the detriment of a population and ecosystem just so that misguided people can feel good about themselves.
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