Olive Head Bump

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AussiePythons Supporter
Supporting Member
Oct 18, 2005
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Hi guys,

I recently noticed that my yearling Olive Python has developed an unusual bump on her head. I've taken her to the vet and he's not immediately concerned, so we've decided to adopt a wait and see mindset. In the meantime, I was wondering whether anyone has seen this sort of thing before, or has any idea what might of caused it ...

She last shed about a month ago and is eating as well as always. She's in a large tub with heat cord below, so I think it's unlikely to be a burn.

Thanks in advance,
I wish I could help out, and I'm sorry this is slightly off-topic.. but I just had to say, she is gorgeous! I hope the bump clears up quickly with no lasting effects, whatever it is.

I've seen this in a carpet python, but the bump was on top of the nose. I t looked exactly the same as your snakes bump. It was probably from forcing it's nose into a gap or under heavy cage furniture etc. Luckily, the bump went away immediately after shedding.
Thanks Skippii, she is a pretty little thing. Although at the rate she's growing, she won't be little for that much longer.

Serpenttongue, your assessment is at the top of my hope list. She did actually force her way out a tub that wasn't closed all the way, as I hadn't soldered any air holes yet.
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