omg emergency please help!

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Active Member
Aug 6, 2009
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Central Coast NSW
my 5 month snake has got his head stuck to sticky tape it wont come off he is ripping his scales off ect what do i do ???
How much tape? can you just cut around the tape and leave a small amount on it's head that will slough off next shed?
what type of tape is it?? have you tried to soften up the glue with some water.
warm water? NOT HOT, don't hurt the little guy, warming the tape might make the glue softer, depending on the kind of tape...

dunno if it'll work, but it's an idea
that or run him down to a vet we have a product called zoff here which desloves adhesive. we use it when removing the tape holding in catheters on cats and the like that dont appreciate being waxed.
Most likely, don't worry too much, he'll calm down in a while, as long as it doesn't happen again. ^_^

Hopefully you have learned a couple of tricks to get tape of reptiles but I hate to say it as you are no doubt stressing as it is BUT sticky tape or anything else that does not complete harden should never ever be used inside reptile enclosures.

Let us know how you get along. If you are not confident about removing the tape head to the vet.
silly me put tape around the hole where his light goes in but forgot to cover it from the inside. He usually wouldnt be able to reach here but i put a new plant in that he could climb to there on. And him being a curious little thing probly thought he could push his way out of it and got stuck. Lesson learnt today... Dont expose snakes to the sticky side of tape. :( i couldn stand seein my poor little baby like that :'(
yes olive oil or vege oil or whatever would have worked. my 1st snake got stuck to sticky tape too. and don't worry, she is still the friendliest snake i own. so your snake shouldn't hate you
that happen to me to i made a little box held together wid tape and he got stuck took me 3 hours to get it off i had to slowely wipe it with vege oil and slowely pull it of.
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