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Ok, license is applied for online, now to see how long that takes, hopefully not long but i'm not holding my breath.

When I first read your post title I thought you must have got engaged.........but when I opened it.....hey even better your first snake!

Congrats are in order!!!

Exactly what I thought
Ok, license is applied for online, now to see how long that takes, hopefully not long but i'm not holding my breath.


You've unforunately come at a bad time, as the licensing board is busy processing everyone's logbooks (at least that's what they told me last year). I applied last April and got mine in 4 weeks. If you've got an expo or a buyer lined up, give them a call a few days before. I got my license number a week before the actual logbook arrived, so I was still able to buy.
sneak in a bubs beardie or two,who can resist the little warts?We started with one and now have four pythons (a woma is coming tmrrw so it will be 5) and four beardies.Squish who is 6mts old and peaches,budlie and hydgie are all 5wks old.hehehehehehehe so cute and nosey and friendly.

not at all, if anything u were right! (in being surprised at the existance of a quiet female, hehehe)

i should find the little female symbol to put next to my name,.... :p
It took me almost 2 years to talk my husband around, even with our 5 year old also begging (he has wanted a snake for as long as I can remember, loves his aunts carpet to pieces) Now I'm just waiting for my licence to arrive and the little critter to be old enough to leave home so I can go and pick it up :)
Click clack is ready to go too, am so excited!!!! :D
Thanks all, the wait now begins for the license, hurry up already!

Get a little scrubbie hatchie!
Once it gets to 5m she'll be used to it ;)

The Stimmie will be fine for now, quiet honestly i'm not that turned on by the bigger snakes, no fear of them they just don't do it for me. The next snake i can see myself getting would be a RSP, again not a large snake but i like the look of them.

Woop Woop :D,
After years of nagging, my wife has finally said that i can get a snake, but it must be a "small one". :D:D:D

Hi all, i'm Dan and if you can't tell i'm excited!!
I've been on this forum for a few years reading and admiring. I have genuinely loved reptiles, particulary snakes, since i was about 10 but my parents would never allow it. As a child i would take any opportunity i could to go to a reptile show and handle snakes often chewing the ears of the presenters afterwards , i love the feel of them, i also used to walk around my grandparents property looking for and trying to identify anything i could. After leaving my parents and moving in with my now wife i thought i was home and hosed, but she wouldn't allow it either until last week when she saw a friends yearling spotted python, secretly she loved it, so i left it a week and bought home a click-clack, told her what it was for and to my surprise there was no screaming, she simply said OK!

i have been waiting for 12 mths and to this day until i get a shed in the back yard of our OWN house its a no, that will be years away, but thats ok im gonna get frillys before then
Congrats Dan!
When I first met my Wife she was terrorfied of snakes. She would not come anywhere near the room where I kept my Centralian Carpet Python at the time. now days we have 8 pythons and 3 Bearded Dragons, many of which my wife asked me if we could have them.... Go figure.
Can't wait to see pics of your new Stimmie when you get it. :)
CONGRATS!!! Well good on you for holding off until she was ready and a good on her for finally agreeing to let it happen. Everyone on here knows it is an addiction you can never stop at one.

After growing up breeding poultry a snake was the LAST thing my parents would ever allow.!!! Then i had to get all my traveling and moving around as you do straight out of home before i could commit to ONE. My desire had always been a BHP but one day i walked out of a petshop with the cutest baby woma ever in my eyes. Theres now 2 of those 2 carpets One lonely BHP and im now on the hunt for his future GF!!!!
My partner is a KIWI whos now so attatched hes regretting ever moving back in fear my creatures could never follow.

Good luck please post pics when your new family member arrives :)
Got my license back via email today less than a week after sending it off, hows that. Order my little stimmie yesterday, just waitong on my order to come from the herp shop tomorrow and i can set his click-clack up properly, will leave it now till after easter to pick him so that i can make sure that i have every thing set up properly.

Excited now!!

I had the same problem with my soon to be hubby he always said no untill my brother and his wife decided to get a few snakes and i fell in love and a week ago i asked my Fiance for the 10th time and he said YES!! So i was just as excited as you lol...

well done and good luck with all the pets you can lol
Haha, i've been reading some horror stories regarding that!

You spelt 'delightful tales' wrong. Nothing horrible about eating a whole packet of timtams or getting some new ink; certainly no horror stories regarding reptile addiction :p
Got my license back via email today less than a week after sending it off, hows that. Order my little stimmie yesterday, just waitong on my order to come from the herp shop tomorrow and i can set his click-clack up properly, will leave it now till after easter to pick him so that i can make sure that i have every thing set up properly.
yay! congrats! My licence arrived in the mail on Monday, was so excited to see it!!! My click clack is all ready too, am ringing the breeder today as well!!! (will still be waiting a couple of weeks though, as I don't think they're old enough yet for WA's licencing laws to allow purchase)
I don't know about you, but I'm so excited I've been having trouble sleeping!!!! LOL
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