OMG what a morning! (HELP!)

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Active Member
Apr 12, 2009
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Gold Coast
I am NEVER EVER taking a snake out of a click clack AGAIN.
I will NEVER trust any cage no matter how safe it LOOKS!
I have woken up to find that my beautiful bombproof nine month old Stimson python has escaped. I am devestated! I am in the process of gutting my shed. (since I live in a shed it is vital to find her asap because there are so many places where she could get outside.)
on top of that... which adds to the OMG of the day... I had a message from my cousin who has a friend who doesnt want their baby Centralian python. apparantly it isnt feeding well.... of course I have said that I will take it, my stimson has given me a little confidence with problem feeders however I havent researched centralian pythons and if any one could give me all the vital information while I tear apart my place looking for my stimson I would be most appreciative! I have got a spare click clack and a spare heat mat and thermastat etc so what I realy need are prefferred temp gradients... any tips or hints on feeding... anything you think I need to know really!!
Thanks all! (any snake finding tips appreciated aswell!! Ive looked under and on top of the enclosures and under the fridge, the dogs will sleep OUTSIDE tonight and I will sprinkle powder everywhere and leave a heat mat in the middle of the floor with her favourite rock hide and food. every limb I have is crossed that I find her!!)
Good Luck, Also try a tourch at night, one of my babies got out once and i went back to the room at night stood still and scanned the room with the tourch beam. Found her BANG in the middle of the floor!
BEST of luck :)
good luck i hope you find her. if there are places for her to get out why dont you cover them up/ block them so that she cant get out. maybe stick some of her food in the rock hide as well. and look carefuly. i helped a mate find his snake and it was in a place he had just looked but not good enought. pull the bottom draw out (if u have draws) because there is normaly a bit of a hide underneth them so look there.
I wouldn't leave the heat mat in the middle of the floor, try on the side of the wall with hide - sounds like a good idea, they don't usually travel far from their enclosure so look close and the most non-obvious places, dark small spaces. stimsons squeeze into the smallest places because they feel more secure.

for feeding, I thaw out my rodents in a plastic bag in hot tap water and let it fully thaw out then offer it warm/hot, mimick a rodent and tease my python to get a good feeding response, but not so much it's unnatural. try different food items, rats, mice, quail - mice have a much stronger scent than rats especially the mails and that really gets snakes senses going.

make sure to heat 24 hours, my temps for both stimson and bredli are 31ish degrees hot end and 24ish cool end.
Thanks Rpene, Ill certainly be trying that, I actually found her track marks in the dust behind the tv but theres no sign of her. I dont really like my chances of finding her during the day but I have set up some inticing places for her to hide that should attract her tonight.
thanks guys, I am using every bit of advice here lol. I have two heat mats set up near the walls with hides, Ill put food out tonight, I very much doubt she will move from where ever she is during the day. :(
Thanks Zuesown, All I know is that the Bredli is only a baby, but Im not even sure how old as yet, Im hoping it has had at least one meal but I guess Ill find out when I get it, Ive asked for any information they have got and when I get it Ill pass it on, I'll nip down the pet shop and get some mice aswell, if they have a stronger scent it might also help with encourage my stimson home aswell as feeding this new little one thats coming!
hey I have a centralian and I find her pretty easy going and very carefree... We have her set at 32-33 at the warm end and 25-28 at the cooler end... She loves her heat
under her hide and we have a purple light above just to keep an ambient air temp asd it is quite cold here at the moment.
Did the previous owner say what sort of problems they have had with feeding and what they were feeding the snake...
no not yet, adfel, I havent been able to reach my cousin to confirm what the problem actually is he left a message on my facebook and just said his mate doesnt want it anymore, that its a baby and that its not feeding real well. Im hoping that means that it has actually eaten at some stage but Im trying to get onto him now to find out more. Ill let you know when I do ;)
maybe puncture the mice as well, to get them really smelly. but id also probably wait until at night to do that, and heat them up on top of a heater or something first. cos your stimson is more likely to go for them if they are nice and warm. careful when you puncture them tho that it doesnt go splat. just a little prick (dont laugh at that) and spill a bit of blood out.
when my spotted escaped (which he did a couple of times over the first few days when I got him, before I brought a different container that had no little gaps!) he was always very close by, and always in some nice little dark and soft place. so i would set up a few other little caves around other than the ones with food in, and put some stuff in it that he could hide behind. if he is gonna hide somewhere, at least then you will know where it is.
but yeah, echoing what others have said, check everything again later, you would be surprised how easy it is to not see them. check in any little gap you can find. under things, behind things, inside things. im assuming it would be warmer in the shed then outside, so chances are he will have stayed inside you would expect.
i was lucky that he only escaped in my room, where there is nowhere to get out, and i have no other pets etc. feel sorry for you there, but im sure you will find him.
no not yet, adfel, I havent been able to reach my cousin to confirm what the problem actually is he
left a message on my facebook and just said his mate doesnt want it anymore, that its a baby and that its not feeding real well.
Im hoping that means that it has actually eaten at some stage but Im trying to get onto him now to find out more. Ill let you know when I do ;)

OK well when you speak to him just find out where the snake is being housed, what temps it is at.
Do you know how old it is and how long this person has had it... These things could all be conrtibuting factors into why the snake isn't eating... And then again
they also may not be... But all questions are def worth asking because the more you know the better I think...
What sort of new enclosure was the stimmie being kept in?
Did it have double slidin glass doors?
If so a 9mth old stimmie could squeeze between the 2 peices of glass.

Good luck with the search.
good god you should have seen my face when I managed to lift my tv cabinet (not an easy task and my back is NOT grateful) I saw her curled up between two bits of wood that keep the cabinet balanced. she is having a little trouble moving properly but Im assuming thats because she was FREEZING. I held her for awhile to warm her up to my body temprature before putting her in a click clack on a heat mat. THANK GOD!
I havent really checked her over to well just yet, I was more concerned with getting her warm. Ill leave her till tonight and have a better look at her then.

My cousin has been in touch about the Bredli but only to say that he will talk to his mate today and let me know tonight what the deal is, I told him the sooner the better suits me as the poor thing is probably starving by the sounds of it. Ill start a new thread when I know whats happening and let you all know.

Thank you so much for the suggestions and help on how to find Narja! I am one happy camper right now!! :)
no S-word, I learnt that lesson the hard way a few years ago with a spotted. I made her a new tank last week, its a glass fish tank with a wooden lid that touched the glass all the way around the top BUT... (to my shame) I added a few things yesterday, one of which was a bigger heat mat... what I didnt take into account was that the cord was bigger so there was a gap the thickness of the cord on one side. what an idiot! I may aswell have just put her on the floor and said 'go for it'
remember, snakes are escape artists, and will squeeze through the smallest gap - side ways - the with of there spine. I saw my stimmie do this into the vents - lucky I had mesh on the outside so there was no way of her getting out of the enclosure. I don't leave any room for my python to get out - my cables are even secure.

Bredli's are pretty good feeders, IMO one of the best so once you provide the right environment, 30-33 degrees hot end and 25-21 degrees cold end, he will eat in no time. I wouldn't offer food for the first 5 days though if the bredli has a bad feeding history. the bredli will need time to adapt to his new surroundings, enclosure etc.

Good news you found your stim already and in day light. well done.

Funny story - I was handling my python and put her on my bed to wash my hands or do something quickly, she went under my pillow and I went on my pc forgetting about her. I was on my computer for a few hours then went out to a shopping mall for a few hours, came home had a sleep for an hour or so while she was under my pillow then woke up went on pc again for an hour and her head was poking out and i was like OH S my snake!!! lol and put her back in her LOCKED enclosure.
Ah thats good news mate.
Yeah, sometimes its a lesson learnt.

Good luck with the bredli now :D
Congrats on finding her!
Sounds like it was a very stressful morning for you.
Go the heat option. If you can get the temp right down and stick a heat mat in the middle of the floor at about 30 degrees, you may find it will come across some time early in the night and sit on the mat. I have heard this working a lot of the time. I had a friend that tried this 2 weeks after a Diamond was missing and she found it that night.
Hope you get it back.
Go the heat option. If you can get the temp right down and stick a heat mat in the middle of the floor at about 30 degrees, you may find it will come across some time early in the night and sit on the mat. I have heard this working a lot of the time. I had a friend that tried this 2 weeks after a Diamond was missing and she found it that night.
Hope you get it back.

She got it back!

But congrats and best of luck with your new addition... hope all goes well. :)
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