On the home stretch

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Very Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2009
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Adelaide Hills
Hi Guys & Gals,
As you know i've been working on a beast of an enclosure. and its been a loooong time that i've been working on this, It was originally due to be completed during the xmas 2010 holidays, but a knee reconstruction and then complications put a stop to that plan, and then i've had another one since (a clean out and thankfully not as major) so my motivation was running a little low with the stop/ start of this one.

I still have a few finishing touches to do, the doors are waiting for glass, I will be sealing it tomorrow night, and putting a vine in there, but heres the readers digest version of the mammoth amount of pics i took as i went,

take one fugly garage sale home made extra large TV Cabinet - the door opening is 108cm (42" for the old school folk) with a reaaaly bad eggshell coloured whitewash
strip it out,
sand it down and make it a little deeper.
and give it a coat of stain.

these attachments aren't going to flow the way i want them too, so i'll just add the pics in sequence, i'm sure you dont need the commentary :)



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Hey jax

as i said, IT LOOKS TOTALLY SICK!!!!!! anyway, amazing work, love what you are doing, cant wait for the next one (jumping the gun i know, but hey, you have to have something to look forward to)
Thanks guys, its one very spoilt Darwin going in there, and if you think this one looks 'purdy' you should see the original paint job it had, Treg can testify that it was colourful, he actually had a sneak peak :)

I'll post a couple of other pics during the week as well as the final shot with occupant, including a pic of the 1st paint job too.
And here's a top tip. Put your lights in before you paint, and paint with the light on ! The difference to the naked eye between being lit with halogen work lights and fluoro is amazing

And yes the next one is all planned out. But I have one really quick small one to do first !

*collects remains of brain matter off the shed floor*

I'll take that as a compliment shall I !! ROFL
Thanks guys, its one very spoilt Darwin going in there, and if you think this one looks 'purdy' you should see the original paint job it had, Treg can testify that it was colourful, he actually had a sneak peak

i felt very privileged
And yes, the tube of liquid nails in the 2nd to last pic was deliberate, so there was a size reference

:O perty. I wish I could make paper mache let alone cut and style foam and render/paint it.

Give it a go, it's only because I'm a perfectionist with borderline OCD that it took me so long :p
:shock: wow!! ... just ... wow!! Bloody awesome, Jax. well done! That'll be a very spoilt Darwin!
Great work :D I hope everything is well with you now, too :)
Jeez no wonder it took so long.. Lol.. Well it's def paid off all the hard work,you can see it in the detail..looks great!
It would have only been a couple of months if it werent for the knee issues, I was on strong blood thinners (tablets and injections) due to a Deep vein thrombosis so I was banned from the shed by the medicos (and my long suffering other half LOL) and it dragged it out to over 8 months :(

fingers crossed all the medical issues are ending and it will be full steam ahead in the shed - C'mon daylight saving :)
THAT is stunning, well done and grats on it

arent DVT's great fun, nothing like those daily injections, did u have the clots just in the legs or did they move to your lungs? what thinners are you on now? im on Warfarin
dvt behind the knee and a clot in my calf. and thankfully they stayed put. the pain from them was far worse than the reconstruction pain.(grafted ACL, cartlidge damage and bone chipping !)they had me on 8mg warfarin and 1 x 100ml jab a day after they discovered the DVT & after the clean out op it was 2 x 20ml jabs a day, lets just say it wasnt fun self injecting..... insulin needles look so much more pleasant to use (my other half is diabetic) i was on the tablets for just over 3 mths, and combined with the needles it gave a whole new meaning to the phrase 'bled like a stuck pig' the slightest cut took ages to stop, even papercuts bled, and dont even think about the bruising LOL. then there was the 'dont stand, sit, lie down' in the same place for longer than 10minutes ~

all of this was why i was banned from the shed, although i did sneak out there occasionally and do an extra layer of render, or a bit of drybrushing every now and then. but i'm glad my patience has paid off, with both the enclosure and my recovery, now i just need to be careful for the next few months that i dont twist or trip and pop my ACL again and i'll be good as gold.
Thanks for all the positive comments guys, I really appreciate it. now the guessing games start as to what my 'OMG' tank is going to be. but i've got a little one to do first :)
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wow but naughty for sneaking out :lol:

now see everyone i speak to who has had clots talks about the pain but i never had any, even the dr's keep asking me if my leg hurt or my chest but nope nothing. i thought i had asthma for weeks before the leg swelled up but seems it was the clots in the lungs causing my breathing problems and if it wasnt for the leg swelling we would never have known about them, im on warfarin for life now

did the injections myself for 2 weeks as i am using insulin so they said if i can do them i can do these injections too
:lol: regular INR levels for almost a year and a pressure stocking which was blah in summer trying to get that on i can tell you and walking around with one white stocking on resulted in a lot of nasty comments from teenagers especially girls :evil: needless to say in sick of bloody needles

but im so glad to hear everythings ok with you now, clots are scary bloody things to go thru, keep safe and look after yourself

wish we could do something like what i see posted in these forums but neither of us is 'healthy' enough nor do we have the equipment, have had a 'mans shed' open up at one of the nursing homes here for the male patients to have a place to go potter around in etc very tempted to ask if they would like a little 'project' to keep themselves busy for a while if i provide the stuff they need, fingers crossed
My Mum is on warfarin after a operation to remove varicose veins left her with clots on the lung.
It keeps her alive but at the same time a little bump or bruise could kill her because of it.
Warfarin its a hell of a drug.

As for the OMG enclosure heres my guess:-
A scale replica of a spanish galleon shipwrecked on a tropical beach.
Glad I'm off the stuff, I can get back to normal now.
No, no Spanish galleons but I'll store the suggestion.

It will be for Darwin #2 (of 5) and I've already hinted it contains "stone" and no, no more ruins :)
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