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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2008
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rockin it in the switch
It's suprising how often i come across this comment, I went to buy some paint for my enclosures this arfternoon and the guy there asked me what i needed and I asked for something which is going to seal the wood etc. and he asked me what i was doing and i told him painting some snake cages and he said why do you keep snakes for I grew up believing only good snakes a dead one and he went on to tell me about a king brown he took a shovel to recently and how he was watching out for his kids and all that BS, I wasn't impressed in the slightest. I said to him after all this theres guys you can get to come out and relocate the animals and he was a bit shirty about that so I said mate think about it this way if you aggrivate a venomous snake and for some reason you shovel misses and he bites you and even if you manage to get to the hospital in time worst case senario you have an allergic reaction to the anti-venom and ya don't make through the night, whos gonna look after your kids then. Low and behold he was pretty quiet after that and my paints probably purple or somethin now I guess i'll find out tomorrow when i go to paint my cages ::)
It's suprising how often i come across this comment, I went to buy some wire for my mice cages this arfternoon and the guy there asked me what i needed and I asked for something which is going to have small holes. and he asked me what i was doing and i told him making some rodent cages and he said why do you keep mice for I grew up believing mice are just snake food and he went on to tell me about a king brown he fed a mouse to recently and how he was watching this with his kids and all that BS, I wasn't impressed in the slightest.

:p :p :p
i hate people who have opinions on animals like that, lol hopefully ur paint is a nice colour and isnt something horrible! i dont think i could have kept my mouth shut if someone said that sort of thing to me
and good on u for telling him about people being able to come out instead of killing them! atleast u tried to give him good advice
thats what my untie said when i showed her my coastal, she hates them but im trying my best to change her opinion, managed to get her to pat it, working on getting her to hold it and appreciate the beauty opf these amazing animals!!!
Same with my mum, she wont hold it but knows that no such thing as a dead snake, learnt that from me with my obsession with snakes! lol
I get that all the time too, really makes me angry. Some people think they are such heroes by killing a 2ft snake with a 6ft shovel. I think some people who know i keep snakes just tell me that to try and get a reaction from me.
I don't take much notice of these kind of stories anymore. I am the only one getting upset then I am not going to spoil my day. And I don't want to be hypercritical because I know I feel the same about another animals. I am like that with spiders. I am terrified of them. I don't go out of my way to kill them and will always get someone else to do it because I am too scared to go near them. They get killed and removed from the house - the danger is gone I feel safe again. And thats how many people feel abut snakes, or any other kind of animal.

How is his opinion any different to something that you dislike. I bet you don't think about the animal when its something you fear and wish were dead. I've heard all the stories about fat 12ft red bellies and 15ft brown snakes and snakes chasing ppl & killed because they had to protect themselves. Until people want to listen to educational documentaries, seminars about particular animals nothing will ever change.
yea i know a few people who have encountered a few venomouse snakes and killed them:?
mostly browns and mulgas, i hate hearing these stories
Now that is just an uneducated comment made by people who do not know or want to know much about snakes. I just ignore it.
yeh even though i love snakes so much my parents wouldnt hesitate to kill a snake if seen on our property (and i wasnt close).. its a horrible thing to do...
thats what my untie said when i showed her my coastal, she hates them but im trying my best to change her opinion, managed to get her to pat it, working on getting her to hold it and appreciate the beauty opf these amazing animals!!!
Same with my mum, she wont hold it but knows that no such thing as a dead snake, learnt that from me with my obsession with snakes! lol

Ditto, my Dad said that as a joke to stir me (NOT funny :rolleyes:) and my Mum doesn't like snakes but knows better than some of these ignorant types. I'm gently 'working' on them :D so I can one day hopefully get my own snake.
Ignoring these types of comments is the best thing you can do. I found early on that argue and they'll get on their soap box and preach righteousness but let it go and they'll feel a bit awkward.
I pick up my first two pythons next week. A South West Carpet and a Stimsons. A girlfriend actually asked me if I needed to milk the poison from them regularly????? Where do you start on that one????
You know what they say about common sense. It isn't all that common.
There' on boy at my school that say's yer yer i love reptiles and just the other day he said he found an Oenpelli had a look at it and then ran it over NTM it was about 3meters.

From Annie
der, everyone knows all snakes are aliens from outer space and have come to eat/bite/haunt us on earth then take over

i just go back at them with the story: yea? yu killed a snake? well funny story, that reminds me of the time there was this koala sitting in my tree, in MY backyard!! i immediately went for my baseball bat and hit it till it died, i didnt want to put my family in danger! you know how poisonous their claws are...

then see thier face

Nat ;)
I don't even humour idiots like that now, I just tell them straight how stupid, ill-informed & uneducated comments like that are. It makes my blood boil.
Some of the remarks i have heard over the years from people have made me sick!!!
Bottom line is its lack of education....simple.
The fear of snakes is inprinted in people by people at an early age.
Its education that will get people to learn understanding and respect for these wonderful creatures.
i hear this all the time

just started a new job and was talkin to a dude at work and at the mere mention of snakes
guess what his comment was?

he grew up in country victoria with tiger snakes browns blacks and copperheads all jostling for positions
to try and bite him at any chance they got if you believe his storey

My landlord hates snakes for no reason and kills any he comes across on our property

as Karma has it a brown nailed one of his cows,dropped it dead

also my sistter and her husband are such haters,they club any snake on there property also

karma got them too,a black snake crawled into one of there dog runs got attaked ,bit that dog then tried to escape into the next dog run where it was attacked also,it bit that dog as well,it was then ripped in half and died

both dogs went emergency vet hospital and went through $3200 of treatment

hate doesnt pay
Good on you for setting him straight and making him think twice!

P.S Enjoy your purple paint! lol
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