OPEN your eyes!!!!!!

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Not so new Member
Jul 2, 2006
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NSW Southern Highlands
normally i dont say much let alone a rant but this has me riled up, Of late its oct and rather warm out my way, in driving to uni today i was able to remove a Bluey off the rd prior to it being pancaked (Nice green/gray tinge to it), happy me, did my i thought .....on the trip home i found 4 eastern blueys, 2 eastern browns a red bellie black and 1 long neck turtle, all had been run over -DEAD!!!!!
i understand that there can be unavoidable times when people or cars cant avoid our little herp friends, however the turtle, 2 blueys and one brown were all off the rd , meaning some insignificant primate like animal drove off the rd to run these down, anyways letting off steam as i was annoyed about this.

point of this rant i guess now its warm, keep your eyes open and move any reptiles off the rd before they are MURDERED, an if you see someone deliberately run over herps than follow them and slash their tyres or something nice like that.

--cheers, James
these are the times i;m glad i'm in the city now so i don't have to see things like that anymore :(
probably wat had happend is someone hit the poor thing then got out and moved it off the road, that might be the case sometimes.

had the same problem myself when i lived in lowood, me and another driver got out to get a turtle off the road and some ####wit drove past ran it over and we both ended up with turtle bits on us and the driver just smiled at us, OOOOOOOHHHHHH that made me mad
And some people think they are the intelligent species, makes you wonder?
That is just sickening firedragon, it makes you think what goes on in peoples heads???
It is sad but sometimes I have hit and killed herps on the roads. I alway move them off as carrion come along and it is safer for them to be on the side of the road.....dont go ranting until you know what has happened.
That's sad.I saw a juvie Bluey squashed on the road today.
I'm going for a trip to Tamworth tommorow so I will see if I can move them off the road.
the only good snake killer is a dead snake killer. There you go all you mindless neanderthalis moronicis out there. Thats what im thinking of you when my mighty shovel smacks you over the head as you sunbake by your pool, or I chase you down the sidewalk.
When you see dead animals on the side of the road (snakes/lizards/possums/dogs/cats) they're not there because someone swerved to hit them, they're usually either placed there after they've been hit and are dead, or have been hit so hard they fling off the road.

Always sad to see roadkill. Never saw more than I did in Tassie.... we counted 100s
What annoys me is when the stupid council plant wattles,grevillia,bottlebrush on medium strips on highways.So many nectar feeding birds are skittled from feeding on the flowers and then flying straight out to a car going 120 kms.
It is sad but sometimes I have hit and killed herps on the roads. I alway move them off as carrion come along and it is safer for them to be on the side of the road.....dont go ranting until you know what has happened.

Rant rant rant....about the idiot who sverwed to hit a brown infront of my mate...
Once my mum tryied to avoid hitting a cat, she moved to one side of the road to try and avoid it but ended up nailing it good. Just as well or i probably would have gone off at her :lol: (this was outside the city and definately no pet). I know there are plenty of ppl who try to run stuff over but its easy to hit stuff trying to avoid it.
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