outdoor pit make over

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Very Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2006
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today i finished my pit off so i thought i would post some pics :):)
sorry the pics arnt the best
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I'm assuming thats an above ground pool you used.
Very impressed......jealous to. Thats a great pit in my opinion.
Did it set you back much?
your right :) its a pool it cost me $50 and the sand came today it was $68 i swapped the pond for a beardie hatchie :) but the plants cost the most :rolleyes:
1 eastern long neck turtle :) it took months of looking around for the right poolbut i finally found it on ebay so i got in contact with the seller and offered him a cash sale rather than bidding :) he even delivered it for me :):):)
ill try and get some better pics today cause its not as sunny and there wont be so much shade :)
thanks earthling :) heres some more pics. even the turtle looks happier :)
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nice pit, how long you been keeping the water dragons and beardeds to gether?
thanks guys :) the water dragon and beardies have been together since january
wow that looks fantastic -good idea :D
there's no way the water dragons can escape? the sides look pretty high but can't they jump? I've never kept them so don't know
becarful not to over crowd it with water dragons! i had 5 water dragons in a pit that size, i put a bearded in there and they killed it! all similar sizes to.
Pit looks great. Animals look good as well.

I hope there are some drainage holes in the pit. If it rains it will fill up.
That's a great pit. :) I love how you have mixed lizards and the turtle in there. :)

What is the width and height ?

It's given me some inspiration for the pit I'm planning on building sometime during the year for my blueys.
thanks for all the positive comments guys :):):):) its approx 3.8m across and 4 foot high.It a standard size above ground pool. the only prob is that there is no door on it so i have to climb over the side using a milk crate LOL
PMSL id like to see that mate hehe

I tried my water dragons and beardies together, the WD kept running around head butting them.. lol

Great job, very jelous, im barely able to have an aviary in the bakyard let alone turn a swimming pool into a zoo enclosure!
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