Oz Bright UV heat and light. Dodgy?

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Thats a pain in the backside. I'd be taking it back. That goes on a bit like my normal globe does on one of those dreadful IMIT thermostats with all that blinking etc.
shocking hey! i have taken it out and replaced it with a spot globe for now, until i get a day off work. Then i will go to the petshop and get them to plug it in so i can show them. Hopefully they replace it or give my money back.
the best brand mvb's are the herp shops aussie suns by far,never had a flashing problem with them unlike ive had with other brands
I recently got a Exo-terra MV globe and had a similar issue. I then read the box and found that they need to be mounted perfectly verticle. I would estimate it would be the same with the URS ones although I have had issues with that one as well.
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